Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Xmas....

Christmas is probably one of my favourite time of the year.

More than CNY in fact.

When I think of Xmas, I always picture me and my FnF sitting under a huge Xmas decorated with lotsa ornaments with the angelic star topping the tree, and we just sit there doing what we all do best: Bumming around,exchanging gifts and maybe eating Xmas cookies.

Christmas is the time when we spread the love around and most of all sharing these special moments with our love ones-that's the reason I have always love Xmas since I was a child. Never mind the Santa Clause stories that my parents used to tell me.

I guess all I wanna say is......


and have a wonderful yet lame christmas, PM7...


Monday, December 1, 2008


Yes. Shen Jin is back home in Malaysia, PM7!


Saturday, November 1, 2008

IMU Bachelorette 2008

The one in the center holding the flowers.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mizuno Wave Run

2 Interesting pics I found (notice the guy on the left)

Monday, October 6, 2008

And let's go!

Oh, guess what, guys?
I heard of a great place to go.
IF I remember correctly, it has a beach, and... and... a lot of fun stuff to do!
We could like, hang out and bum.
It'll be like really cool and fun.
Especially if I can remember where that freaking place is.

All those other useless details like, you know, time and date, we'll just skip that.

Other than that, reply me about going yeah =)

Take care!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Why I was so dead during Qian's gathering

Woke up at 3.30 am to climb Klang Gate(Bukit Tabur) on same day as gathering.

Still searching for more pics. Will update when they are found.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ah. the truth.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A confession??

Since we are on the topics of smses,

Fong: Hey X. Want lunch tmr or not? 12.30
X: Dahlah ur good fren's dearest lover, so ur trying2mk me main kayu goodness noe hw much again ar?XP............(editors note: irrelevant)
Fong: Wat main? You memang Y zui ai de..............
X: Ya wat. Since im his zui ai de n im going4lunch wif his fren main laXP.

Due to privacy reasons, the names have been replaced with X and Y.

Hint: Look at how X refers to herself with referance to Y.

And to all you busybodies out there, X and Y should be really obvious, since I think only one person in our class uses that smiley.

Even when we're apart.

Yes, using the handphone and SMSing lame comments is definitely a way to keep the lamity going on.

Here's a few examples of the messages I've gotten ;

Scenario 1 :

I just sprained my ankle, and messaged Loverboy to tell him that I have a tennis ball on my ankle due to the swelling.

And his response?

Loverboy : On the bright side, you can sponsor Wimbledon some tennis balls :) .

Scenario 2 :

Fishball : Hey, just wanted to let you know that I'm bringing macaroni salad tomorrow
HJ : Oh thanks. I was just wondering whether there'll be vege. Surprisingly from Fishball. I think I'll just bring some meat dish.
Fishball : Oh, my macaroni special one. No vege.
HJ : Didn't you say salad? macaroni with vege rite? Put some lettuce in it.
Fishball : The only vege that is going to be in my macaroni, will be raisins, if that's counted.

( here comes the punch line. Ready???)

HJ : I really thought you turned over a new VEGE.

And I'm sure you all can guess who HJ is.

See, lamity even apart.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Admin: Edwin
Inspirer: Mr. Seo

Satisfy Edwin Organisation.
Yup, it's something like WWE (We Want Edwin competition)
Only, this time, it was started all because of Edwin's lust greed for girls power.
I, Yummy Bunny aka. Cili Padi aka. Spicy Ms. Kang, was supposed to sign a contract with Edwin to start a YouTube revolution, something along the lines of Lonelygirl15 and such.
He was supposed to get 10% of my share. But no, he wanted 25%.
So yes, he started this organisation to start looking for girls to be his "lonelygirl15".
If you haven't heard of lonelygirl15, i can just say you suck you have a life, other than Youtubeing all the time (unlike Stanley)

My videos will be uploaded soon.
Stay tuned. TQ

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

2nd night in Redang

While most of the class slept, this is what a few of us helped to create.

A message from B(not the mangkuk B, another one) to S.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Old old times

Stan & Ed
Uploaded by Xiahbaby

Monday, June 30, 2008

Doing fine..


Btw,I am doing fine here back in Miri.

There's not much changes in my Miri of course except for the fact that there are more cars than usual.


I discover my lil' sis is random like the radioactive decay as well.


It must be my influence I supposed. Let's hope she doesn't get lame like the rest of the lame but walking gang coz randomness is directly proportional to the squareroot of lameness.


Ok.GTG.Bye bye.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

And so he left.....

This post is dedicated to that bum Dexter aka Lover Boy.

We met up at Shen's house yesterday for a farewell dinner for Dex. Bout 13 of us came and we finally got a taste of Shen's mum famous claypot chicken rice. Anyway during the course of dinner, we did what we do best, talking a whole lot of fei hua. (award goes to Pearly, who looked at the claypot and asked whether it was bought and homemade one)

Anyway we had everyone take turns to spill out their hearts to Dex and vise versa. One of us broke into tears(partly due to Stan making dam bursting sound effects). Technically it was quite a sad moment for Dex while some of us tried to keep the mood "not so dead" by adding some lame stuff here and there in people's speech.

The next day, I went to see the bum off. Reached his apartment at 7.15am, spent 15 mins writing a letter for him and another 30 mins catching up on some sleep while Dex slept. Went down for breakfast together with Kok Wei. After breakfast, we took a trip down Dex's memory lane(technically one last tour of Taylors, including TBS). Dex kept talking bout how happy he was to be going back but IMO it was bullshit.(sounds damm fake to me lah his voice) Anyway we later talked a bit in his apartment with Belaian Jiwa playing in the background.

Finally it was 9.50am. We helped chuck his stuff down and into the taxi. We hugged, said keep in touch and he got into the cab.

And he left.................

And as I walked to the KTM, I reflected upon the good times we had andrealized I am really gonna miss having that bum around.( nuts getting a bit emo)

Our class number is now reduced by 4 and lamebutwalking gang reduced by 1.

Well Dex, it has been great knowing you. Thanks for the times we spent lepaking in your apartment. All the best. And as they say

"Don't be sad its over, be happy because it happened."

P.S.: The author of this post is back to his normal self after a sleep on the KTM. (Wonders sleeping on the KTM can do, besides giving the author a stiff neck)

Monday, June 23, 2008



Miss you guys!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I just realised something

i'm so gonna miss all of you! =)


What do you do when you see a blue banana?
You comfort it

What’s the difference betwen a fly and a mosquito?
A mosquito can fly but a fly cannot mosquito

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

7 Reasons

In a recent conversation with A*(names changed to protect privacy), yours truly managed to find out that A is in fact very angry with B*. Due to much interest of readers to the topic, we have posted a short segment of the conversation for all to see. No prizes for guessing who the 2 people in the conversation are.
you want whole list?
ok, you angry that he:
1. did not ask you out to the prom
2. did not pay for your ticket
3. did not offer to pick you up
4. did not offer to dance with you
5. did not offer to send you back
oi need no need......all nonsense
nut la u
6. did not offer to stand on your porch with you and gaze deeply in ur eyes
7. and seal it with a *ahem*
siao fella

Ok. Now the world knows the truth between them. My job here is done.*rides of in the direction of the setting sun*

Apparently after yours truly posted about A and B, yours truly received an offline message from A 2 hours later which goes:

You are truly a NUT!!! rili siao fella
thx for chging the names (I got thanked!!!!!)
but i hv a feeling im gonna die anyway

and shortly after that, at approximately another 2 hours time, at 2 am in the morning, B finally asked A out. aaahhh feel like done a good deed, extremely satisfied.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Fish and Cats.

Remember our 9 lives story?

Since then, somehow or another, I've come acrossed so many things that has to do with those cats. From cute cute cats in the StarTwo to 36 adorable kittens on Tv.

Oh did I mention that my horoscope on Sunday said something about a cat having nine lives, but I only have one. SO advising me to take it slow and rest. Hmm..

And today Ms.H and her "meows" Say we got 5 more lives, one more paper. I beg to differ, I think I've lost a lot of lives lately.

WHy all the afinity with cats lately?

I have a theory.

Fishball ma. So Fish attracts cats. But then I started thinking again. Technically i would be dead since, the cat would want to eat me.


My theory again?? I'm just too nice. Its not my time to go yet. I'm still here! To brighten up your days!

I'm sure you all love me. :) I know that.

But i think I lost another life today. (Yes fish also got 9 lives k. Not the cats only.) Again. That's 7 down after 7 papers. How la??

Friday, June 6, 2008

People lamer than us

On Wed after our exams, Ching received a call from MixFM telling him he won 2 tickets to the premier to Kung Fu Panda. Being opportunistic, Ching tried to get Jing to accompany him but sadly, she wanted to watch it with her family. Hence in the end, I ended up accompanying Ching to go watch the movie(not complaining)

Anyway the movie was suppose to start at 9.30 but they let us in at 9.10. Thats where the people lamer than us comes in. Those MixFM road runners ar.......wah super lame. In fact sort of glad they are not the same age as us and in Taylors, or else they would menyesarkan us and be the owners of lamebutrunning. Well they intro-ed themselves before launching into a tirade of lame stuff to keep us entertained.

As for the movie, according to Ching, not much plot at all. But in my opinion, the director must have thought, who cares bout the plot, lets just make them laugh, which I think they succeeded in doing.

Well nth much left to say, so cya

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Not to be calculative or anything,
but I think math 3 just took away the last of my nine lives =(
Oh, btw, are you all up to going for the wild life party?
Stanley said it's probably too wild for him =.=
we all know how good Stan's pun are.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


F : Teacher!!! They just murdered us. Died. Buried underground.
Ms. K : I believe you have 9 lives. Mrs. Lai want you to revive and do well in Mechanics.
What a response after such a horrendous paper.

9 lives...

Saturday, May 24, 2008


got this of a frens blog.

hm.....makes me think a bit that a persons life can change in a blink of an eye. And if it were to change, would we have any regrets for seizing everyday and living it like there is no tmr.

Hence a word to all of you, treasure every moment and live life to the fullest.

P.S.: And since this post is from me, must zha some ppl. WEI mangkuk read zor la la seng take action lah. You dun have forever to wait.

Editors note: Please not that the term mangkuk is not referring to anyone in particular. It is just part of Ching's plan to incoporate the term mangkuk into our society.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Halal Pork Flavoured Instant Noodles

I came across this interesting article just now in Utusan Malaysia.Hope you enjoy it.Hehe.

JOHOR BAHRU 19 Mei - Jika anda meminati mi segera, berhati-hati ketika membeli makanan tersebut kerana ada yang tertera logo halal tetapi berperisa babi.

Perkara tersebut didedahkan seorang pengguna, Amir Amin yang menghantar e-mel atas kesedaran supaya umat Islam tidak termakan mi segera keluaran Vietnam itu.

Amir memberitahu, hasrat dia dan isterinya menikmati keenakan mi segera dalam mangkuk yang dibeli di Woodland Centre, Singapura pada 4 Mei lalu terbantut apabila mendapati mi segera itu berperisa babi walaupun ada logo halal.

Atas rasa tanggungjawab supaya umat Islam tidak termakan mi berkenaan, Amir kemudian mengambil keputusan untuk membuat aduan kepada pemilik kedai berkenaan.

"Saya turut difahamkan pekedai tersebut mengambil keputusan menghentikan penjualan mi berkenaan.

"Bagaimanapun, saya bimbang seandainya mi ini telah berada di pasaran negara kita memandangkan jarak antara Johor dengan Singapura bukanlah jauh,'' kata warga Johor ini.

Justeru, dia berharap orang ramai lebih peka dan mengambil langkah berhati-hati dengan barang yang dibeli walaupun terdapat logo halal.


The thing is I wonder how did he know that the noodles are pork flavoured whereas he could never know what pork actually taste like.


I will just leave it to your imagination.=P

Friday, May 16, 2008

Why I fired my secretary. Teehee.

Yesterday was my birthday
and I didn't feel very well
waking up on that morning.

I went downstairs for breakfast
hoping my wife would be pleasant and say,
'Happy Birthday!',
and possibly have a small present for me.

As it turned out,
she barely said good morning,
let alone
' Happy Birthday.'

I thought...

Well, that's marriage for you,
but the kids...
They will remember.

My kids came bounding down stairs to breakfast
and didn't say a word.
So when I left for the office,
I felt pretty low
and somewhat despondent.

As I walked into my office,
my secretary Jane said,
'Good Morning Boss,
and by the way
Happy Birthday ! '
It felt a little better
that at least someone had remembered.

I worked until one o'clock ,
when Jane knocked on my door
and said, 'You know,
It's such a beautiful day outside,
and it is your Birthday,
what do you say we go out to lunch,
just you and me.'
I said, 'Thanks, Jane,
that's the greatest thing
I've heard all day.
Let's go !'

We went to lunch.
But we didn't go
where we normally would go.
She chose instead at a quiet bistro
with a private table.
We had two martinis each
and I enjoyed the meal tremendously.

On the way back to the office,
Jane said, 'You know,
It's such a beautiful day....
We don't need to go straight back to the office,
Do We ?'

I responded,
'I guess not.
What do you have in mind ?'
She said,
'Let's drop by my apartment,
it's just around the corner.'

After arriving at her apartment,
Jane turned to me and said,
' Boss, if you don't mind,
I'm going to step into the bedroom
for just a moment.
I'll be right back.'
'Ok.' I nervously replied.

She went into the bedroom and,
after a couple of minutes,
she came out
carrying a huge birthday cake ...
by my wife,
my kids,
and dozens of my friends
and co-workers,
all singing 'Happy Birthday'.

And I just sat there...

On the couch...


Please don't come and ask if this is me or what ah!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Correction to previous post

well as mentioned in title turns out the tickets were not free and the we were the only 3 people who turned up because "there is nothing cheaper than something free". and alex who was there due to "not free, but still cheaper than the rest".

anyway there is an important lesson to be learnt from this.

Make GOOD connections if you want more free tickets.

p.s.: don't worry alex. will make it up to you after we execute our masterplan in redang(which involves Ching and his debit card)

Free tickets

And suddenly loads of people are my good friends.
Wat the hell right? Lol.

By the way, Fong,
Those people who berebut rebut to go in had to pay for their tickets.
My church got extra then that's why I got some for you guys.
And I paid for mine =S
Okay not I paid.
My boyfriend paid for his, his dad's and mine =P
So considered buy 1 free 1 for you 3 bums lah ><

So considered as you owe me one =P

Sooo.... anyway.....
Aiyah, nothing to say lah.

=) good luck for exams.

When you're stumped, just think of me and you'll get an A.
(If you try this and it works, please pay rm250 for royalty =), seriously)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Chronicles of Narnia

Yesterday, after saving the world for the 32495 time from the clutches of N(give or take 32495 times), Edwin, Alex , Stan and I decided to take some time off saving the world as well as from studying to catch the premier of the movie Narnia.(free tickets courtesy of Alex's church)

We arrived at 8.50pm for the 9pm show. The place was super pack, due to people's "nothing cheaper than something free" attitude. Anyway the security was tighter than Fort Knox as we had to surrender our handphones and go through a metal detector.

And one stupendous guy smartly went into a different cinema than us. He happily walked into cinema 11 while we were waiting for cinema 10 to get ready. After we got our seats(free seating, have to chong), I volunteered to rescue that bum from the grim fact of watching the movie alone. Turns out that bum had a prime seat right in the middle of cinema with the whole row to himself(why no one want seat with him, I leave it to your imagination).

As for the movie, it was ok. But at the end of the movie, we all had one similiar thought. Due to the fact they marched soldiers across the bridge, we all simultaneously thought of one word- "Resonance".

Anyway lazy continue. Bye

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mentors and Mentees

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Omg. I don't want to sit for exam la!

Maybe I should stand for it. Hmmm.

Friday, May 2, 2008

WWE Championships

During lunch today, we suggested that today will be the night of the WWE(We Want Edwin) championships where fanatics of Edwin will get to fight for him and win the ultimate grand prize: one whole day with Edwin at any venue, doing any activity, all sponsored by Lamebutwalking.

So far, the hunt for the ultimate fan has been narrowed down to two contestants.

In the Red corner, we have JC. Standing at 160cm(give or take 10cm), JC claims to be an expert in fighting, having close to 10 years of experience in brawls, death-matches and just-for-fun fights. JC plans on using her wealth of fighting know how to defeat the opposition within 5 minutes.

In the Blue corner, we have SL(not Shin Li ar, dun perasan). Standing at a very short height, SL plans to use her size to her advantage by making the opponent underestimate her before landing the killing blow.

Who will win? Who will take home the ultimate grand prize? Please stay tune for the next update of WWE.

P.S.: You can send messages of encouragement to the two fighters. For JC, sms to 1833-WWE-01 and for SL, sms to 1833-WWE-02.
Disclaimer: Each sms will cost RM 10.00. Standard billings apply.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Barbie Girl.

Ok. This is what happens when exams are near. Take a look at the videos. =)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Charlie the Unicorn 2

Finally. It is here. Charlie the Unicorn 2.


Ok. This creeps me out just as much as muffins.

Fish?Clean or Dirty?You decide lah...=P

D here.Reporting from my headquaters.N like soft toys especially seals but I,D love seafood.

Have you ever wonder is the fish that you are about to eat is clean or dirty?

Well,I do.

That is why when eating in Manhattan Fish Market D and H(Hao Hao) discuss professionally about the cleanliness of the GRILLED FISH we are having for dinner.

H: Fish are dirty lah.They never take bath.

D: You are wrong. I disagree. I mean imagine this. Johnson's Baby Shampoo factory would dump waste(excess shampoo) into the river.The river would flow to the sea where most fishes live.Indirectly, the fish would bathe in the shampoo making it clean.

I was thinking maybe that is the origin of sweet and sour fish. The fish take too much bath so in the end got the lemony Johnson's Baby Shampoo smell. Lemon is acidic ma..So,fish would be sour.

So all the chef need to do is add some sugar to the sour fish and there you have it....



Sunday, April 27, 2008


You all like muffins right? Hehe. Enjoy.

ToyBoy out.


A comprehensive guide to terms used in pm7

As the titles says, this will be a guide to commonly used terms and sound effects in pm7 that are found nowhere else, yet.(definitions included, in some cases examples)

Mangkuk: The ever famous term mangkuk. Originated from Pearly but slowly making its way around class due to efforts by Ching to make it the next cool thing to say. Its an encrpyted way of saying "I love you" when Pearly says it to someone, but when she says it to the rest of us, it just means "go die".

*sob sob*: N thinks that she is referring to being a boss when she says this. However, we think that she is trying to tell us how bad her language skills are.*refer to previous post* Bos is a malay language, so the plural should be bos-bos, not boss. Hence, N, you can sign up for Ching's malay language tuition.(wei Ching, recommend you, comission mari)

*whooooooo*: A sound Ah May makes when someone makes a sudden movement around her. We suspect that she makes this noise as her brain works hard to register the situation, so if you all hear a *whooooo* sound during our A levels exam, don't worry, its not the ghosts of A levels past,present and future coming to haunt you.

hotlah,*followed immediatly by a*thank you: A phrase introduced to us by Ah Seo. He wrongly assumes that we are referring to him when we mention the first word and will immediatly thank us for the comment. We however would like to suggest a few alternative words that would more accurately describe the situation if you are trapped with Ah Seo in a small enclosed room.
They are stuffy, pressured and suicidal(after hearing all the lame stuff from him).

More terms coming up next time. Until then sayonara.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thoughts of N

Hi I’m back!!! Thank you for welcoming me. haha. Since I shouldn’t waste so much time blogging, I shall just make this post short and sweet. Haha L like sweets. N like soft toys. CUTE. What about D? Haha

During chem Lab, Dexter say I always type sob in my sms. And instantly something came to my mind. Guess what? But I’m pretty sure you’ll be scratching you head. Haha don’t scratch till you need to go Yun Nam wo.(why am I advertising for them?) If you can guess it, you’ll deserve to be N - the successor of L to be the famous detective.

Ok, this is it. What will you get when you spell sob the other way round? Haha obviously you get nothing.(this is lame) it’s more accurate to ask what word is it? It’s bos right?
Well change it to plural form.

Hahahahaha GET IT??? Actually I’m trying to tell Dexter who’s the boss. Muahahaha.
Haha dexter thinks the same as me that’s why he changed his blog name too.

Relating to boss. Yesterday during physics lab, I think sir keep saying something like, “why what, why what?”. I started laughing but I didn’t tell anyone because everyone was so enthusiastic. I wonder whether any of you remember in “The Incredibles”, Bob’s shorty boss said that to Bob and ask him to be more specific.

Hmmm maybe all of you secretly want to be random, which means everyone secretly wants to be radioactive. Hahahaha. You can tell me and I’ll certainly help you, for I’m as kind as Doremon. Heard the joke before?
(seems like many things happen in the lab, no wonder it’s a research place to create new things or thoughts)

Lastly, we always say “Jia Yo” in mandarin to encourage people. Hmmm I wonder why. They think we are cars mer. We don’t need to add oil. We should stay away from saturated fats. However, according to our bio lecturer, fats actually protect our organs. So maybe we should drink oil starting from now. You can drink, if you believe what I say. Haha eating kfc is the same. Imagine that layer of fat when you peel the skin away. Ok I shall leave it to your own imagination.

Ok. I think that’s all for now ,hope you enjoy it =)

Ps : this post is full of ‘crab’, tastier than kfc and read already can be full. Haha

Friday, April 25, 2008

Who is this?

There was a man named Sulio and Sulio knew EVERYONE in the whole world!!!

Once when Sulio got a new job, Sulio says to his new boss, "Boss, I know everyone in the whole world!"

His boss doesn't believe him, so he says "No you do not know everyone in the whole world"

but Sulio says "Yes I do!" so Sulio's boss says "Well prove it!"

then Sulio says "Pick someone... and I know them!"

Well Sulio's boss thinks for a minute and then comes up with a name. "Tom Selleck! I bet you don't know Tom Selleck!"

Sulio says "Tom Selleck! Tom and I were in boy scouts together when we were kids!"

but Sulio's boss says "No you weren't!" then Sulio says "Yes we were!"

so they fly to Hollywood and drive up to Tom Selleck's house.

Sulio knocks on the door and Tom Selleck answers and Sulio goes "Tom!!!" and Tom goes
"Sulio!" and they hug and catch up for 30 minutes and Sulio's boss can't believe it.

But then he thinks "Well that could happen, it's just one person," so he tells Sulio and Sulio says "OK, pick somebody else!"

This time Sulio's boss has someone in mind! "The president, Bill Clinton! You don't know Bill Clinton!"

but Sulio says "Oh yes I do! Bill and I were on debate team together in college!"

Sulio's boss says "No you weren't!" and Sulio says "Yes we were!" so they fly to Washington and they catch up with the President at a press conference.

They work their way through the crowd until Sulio get's close enough to catch Clinton's eye and waves "Bill!" and the President waves "Sulio!" and after the press conference they hug and catch up for 30 minutes and Sulio's boss is stunned-- he can't believe it.

But then he thinks "Well that's just two people in one country-- that doesn't mean he knows everyone in the whole world!" so he tells Sulio and Sulio says "OK, pick someone out of the world spectrum and I know them!"

And Sulio's boss knows just who to pick so he says "The Pope! You do not know the Pope!" and Sulio says "The Pope! The Pope BAPTIZED me!" and Sulio's boss says "No he didn't!" and Sulio says "Yes he did!"

so they fly to Rome where the Pope is giving Mass in front of hundreds of thousands of people. They work their way through the crowd-- without much luck--

so Sulio says "Boss, we're never gonna get there together through all these people so I tell you what--I'll work my way up there and when I do, I'll give you a sign that shows you I know the Pope!" and he leaves.

Well Sulio's boss waits and waits and waits and just when he's about to give up, he sees the Pope come out onto the balcony and right there beside him is Sulio!

Shortly afterwards, Sulio's boss passes out.

Sulio comes back and finds his boss passed out and he fans him and says "Boss! Boss! Wake up!" and when his boss comes to, he asks "Boss what happened?"

Sulio's boss looks at Sulio and says "OK, I can see Tom Selleck. I can see Bill Clinton... hell, I can even take the Pope!

But when somebody standing next to me asks 'Who's that up there with Sulio?' that's a little more than I can take!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Here's a good way for all you people who wanna lose weight.

A man calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program.

The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19
year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck.

She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company.

The sign reads, "If you can catch me, you can have me."

Without a second thought, he takes off after her.

A few miles later huffing and puffing, he finally gives up.

The same girl shows up for the next four days and the same thing happens.

On the fifth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 10 lbs. as promised.

He calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound program.

The next day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning and beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life.

She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads, "If you catch me you can have me."

Well, he's out the door after her like a shot.

This girl is in excellent shape and he does his best, but no such luck.

So for the next four days, the same routine happens with him gradually getting in better and better shape.

Much to his delight on the fifth day when he weighs himself, he discovers that he has lost another 20 lbs. as promised.

He decides to go for broke and calls the company to order the 7-day/50 pound program.

"Are you sure?" asks the representative on the phone. "This is our most rigorous program."

"Absolutely," he replies, "I haven't felt this good in years."

The next day there's a knock at the door; and when he opens it he finds a huge muscular guy standing there wearing nothing but pink running shoes and a sign around his neck that reads, "If I catch you, you are mine!!!"

He lost 63 pounds that week.

A Meet the Fan Session and the Accidental Proposal

Its been a long time since this blog had a new post, far too long for comfort, hence this random post on some things that happened on our first day back to Taylors.

We finally got our school magazine today, after a slight misunderstanding between Ching and Lay Boon. After chem, Stan held a meet-the-fan session *note FAN, not fanS*. Apparently Ah Shan went crazy about Stan and kept on insisting that he sign her yearbook. After many minutes, due to the fact Ah Shan kept insisting on using a special silver pen for Stan and finding a special place in her heart *ahem* yearbook for him to sign, Stan finally decided to just use a normal blue ballpoint pen and took up one whole autograph page on Ah Shan's yearbook. This left Ah Shan in a mild state of euphoria while we excused ourselves due to hunger pangs.

During lunch, we overheard this interesting conversation.
Ai Vui: Will you marry me? *said to Ching* editors note: this is what we heard. We have no idea what was really said nor do we care as we doubt it would be this interesting. This note applies only to this line, the rest is what really happened.
Ching: Wah, of course. You know ar, marry into Ai Vui family very good one, got free buffet, Shell card, just don't know whether got orang asli priviledges or not.
Ai Vui: What????
Ching: Ya I am going to marry into your family, not you marry into mine. Or else no free buffet.
Ai Vui:*starting to get speechless*
Ching: Seems like I have to start practising how to use a blowgun, to keep your orang asli culture alive. Without people like us, orang asli long gone already.
Ai Vui: Miri already full of Chinese, not orang asli.
Ching: *Ignoring her* You know ar, I wonder how they kill animals in Sarawak......

Finally the conversation led to a point where Ching suggested that they hunt animals in Sarawak by surrounding the animal and making funny faces and a lot of noise. I added that it would probably be a very humane way to put down the animal as the animal would die laughing instead of being in pain.

Anyway I hope this post has enlighted you about your so called Vice of Pet Lover's Society. That's all for now. Bye

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I think the world is going mad

Or just the rest of the gang. =\

Hi! The favourite one is back!
That's me, of course.

I'm sorry, I won't be posting for a long long LONG time to come,
simple because I've seem to have lost all of my lame powers.
Which is, good, because I can now hop freely where ever I'd want to go.
But yeah, no more posts from me.

Unless I get like some lightning jolt from BW.
(Ability #57 - makes people lame by jolting them)

Till then, bye bye!
The End

Lameness Makes The World Go Round....Not Love....=P

Haha..People say love is what makes the world go round..

I LoverBoy disagree despite the fact that I love spreading love around... good example that lameness makes the world go round is Fishball...

I mean take a look at her head....
You will know what I mean...
Its round thanks to lameness.....Hehe..Just read our previous post for the explanation.....
Kinda pity her though being a victim of lameness... mistake....

Anyway,here is an interesting fact...MOST superheroes are lame..
Ask Boy Wonder...He can explain better I think. it goes..
Superman is lame but nobody notices it except me though.(That's what I think offence)

I mean who would fly two storeys up when you can walk up the stairs...Ask superman..He did it most of the time.Only people who can't walk(lame) would do that.Maybe that is why he has to fly...

Don't you agree??=P

Oh ya....Batman....another hero who is lame.
As you all know,he created the Bat Mobile..Have you ever wonder why??
Its simple actually....coz he's not mobile(lame)...duh...Isn't it obvious??hehe

My favourite lame superhero is
Professor Xavier from X-Men

He is LAME too but at least hes got a high tech wheel chair to move around and he can read people's mind...

Before I end this post...remember lameness makes the world go round not love......hehe...=P

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Jake and 911

LoverBoy is here.......

Does my nickname sound gay to you all??

Well tats what Mr.Seo said EVERYTIME in class......

Can't blame him....coz its ToyBoy's fault....for giving me such a gay name......
Hey....but I am quite used to it now.......I THINK...hehe

Anyway....despite being lame most of the time....there were times when my lameness turn into er....'DUMBNESS'.....

Let me see....

Few weeks ago....while studying in the library,I was bored and sleepy.....I looked at my handphone keypad and suddenly A 'BRILLIANT' JOKE came to me... I was inspired to tell my friends.... backfired pretty badly.....

Do you wanna know what I told them(Fishball,Goldfish and Pearly the Pearly) via sms??

LoverBoy: Why didn't Jake dial 911??

They couldn't answer it so I told them the answer....

Loverboy: Coz he can't find number eleven on the keypad

Heres their response(summarize up in few phrases):

Goldfish: Nonsense lah.....
Fishball: So free argh?!!Go study lah..
Pearly the Pearly:That was dumb.I expected MORE from you.

And there I was in the library thinking what have I could have gotten worse though as I was prepared to tell Dictator the joke.....erm...ok...maybe not only Dictator....I was goin to spread it to the whole class...

Nobody's perfect in this life..AND I learn it the hard way....

Guess being lame isn't that bad as what people say....
If someone says that you are lame...tell them about Jake...I bet they will appreciate ur rights of being lame......=P

Till then...bye.......

Bombs ahoy!

ToyBoy told me that my round Fishball self is going to explode one day.

But don't you think that's simply impossible?

First of all, since I'm so round right, any force that acts from the inside of me, will be acting in all direction. EQUAL distribution of force. So there's no nett force in any one particular direction. So I won't explode.

Secondly, I think as a Fishball I can easily absorb all those forces you throw at me. Fishball what.

In conclusion : I SHALL NEVER EXPLODE>

So there.


Tadaa, ang ang ang, ding dong, drum rolls..

Hi everyone, I’m N. Have all of u watch L change the world? Near is so cute!!! Of cause L is very cute too!! The amount of sweets he consumes is amazing. So sad the kids don’t want.
I’ve been hearing Disney songs recently. Boy Wonder can go the distance. And a star is born!! Which is me, for I’ve a song named after me-Jenny. Heehee. They are all so nice and they certainly bring back memories.

Haha brother bear songs are very nice too, especially "Welcome". Haha there are 2 bears in our PM7 family. Tadaa… that is pooh bear and mamee bear. (mamee bear makes me think of mamee monster. Munch munch munch..)

Oh ya long ago I thought of a lame competition between all the contributors of this blog. The loser must be punished. Haha obviously I know I won’t lose. WAIT!! This does not mean I’m arrogant. WHY? Because I don’t think I’ll win also, since MPAJA is the government now. :) Besides, dexy bum is definitely lamer than me. Hahahahaha

But I’m quite random-just like radioactive decay. Don’t worry I’m not harmful because I’ve long half-life. Haha but if u r sooo scared and have no tortoise shell to hide inside, then u can buy the device to check lo. Too much money ar… so u should just trust me :)
This is a lame blog. So obviously the contents must be lame. Right? I’m forced to write lame things. If not ISL will catch me le. I don’t want!!! ><

That’s all for now. Can’t really think, still very tired. And I must study mechanics soon. Hmph spoil my mood. Hope it won’t be the same for other subjects. If suddenly all the teachers call me up n ask me to study. Hmm then I’ll not play at all for the holiday d. sob sob.

haha hehe hihi huhu hoho byebye. Hope dexy won’t bring a bazooka to shoot me down. If not I’ll use my radioactive power against him. Haha :p

Friday, March 21, 2008

A Mr Seo Guide To Paintball

During physics today, Ah Seo mentioned that he was gonna play paintball today. After we explained the basic concepts of paintball, he had a few ideas of his own.

Seo: So the objective is to capture the flag right? Why not just run straight to the flag instead of crawling there?
PM7: Later you kena shot then how? Everyone will shoot you lah if you run straight.
Seo: Provided that the bullets can hit me first. Btw how fast are the bullets?
Ching: Very fast lah.
Seo: Wah like that I play sniper and I guard my flag. I just hide near my flag and wait for my teammates to win.
PM7: And if they dont?
Seo: I commit suicidelah. When they come, I tell them "Dont shoot. Dont shoot. Nah I shoot myself"
PM7:..................(really nothing to reply)
Seo: See lame students get lame teachers lah. You all ar, influence me until like this.
PM7:*at this point almost everyone starts shooting Seo being our laziness mentor*

Anyway to all our loyal readers: Due to the upcoming trials exams, think this blog will enter temporary hibernation until the trials are over(2 weeks from now). Until then seeya.

Monday, March 17, 2008


That's our lucky number.
Because that's how much we have earned from our blog so far.
Dreaming ah?
Fat mong ah?
In my dreams lah!

We've earned...... 75 cents!
Thank you to all our fans out there who visit our blog regularly.
Now we know how much we're worth.
75 cents.
Woohooo....... =(

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sorry: Technical Error

A few of our fans pointed out that we left out a few candidates:
Mamee Bear and CRAP.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Please vote again.
Thank you.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Charlie The Unicorn

Heya folks. Here's a little something to waste your life with. Enjoy. =)

Friday, March 14, 2008


hey hey. today is another eventful day in pm7 as another 2 parties were formed.

1st of all, there is CRAP. It started in chem today when Ching got very excited that SPCA finally acknowledged him as a volunteer and printed his name in their magazine( in font 8). He started going about how he would someday be the president of SPCA and National AIDS Society and merge them into one. He would then call it Ching Shen Society for the Protection against Cruelty to Animals and Humans With AIDS and cancer, hence CSSPCAAHWAAC. He got so hyped up he almost jumped onto a chair to give a speech. Stupendous Man then suggested a CRAP(Ching Rules And Protects) instead of CSSPCAAHWAAC. Thus CRAP was born.

Later on, when cutting the cake, Bunny suggested Jengster form her own party to oppose MPAJA since DAP is well dead since Lover Boy left it. Anyway Bunny came up with JPA(Jengster Protects Also) to counter CRAP and MPAJA. But do not vote, repeat, do not VOTE for this evil party as it aims is to protect you from cool people and make sure you remain lame forever. (I am sure you want to keep your legs)

Anyway 2 new parties have entered the fray. Choose wisely. Over and out.

MPAJA chairman

Poll, again?!!! yah, lame poll, can't walk.

The other lazy bums of this blog were to lazy to put it up.
Bums. Sigh.
Anyway, we have new contestants!

Useless Dexter left his party (Dexter And Party) to join another party.
His old party has been disbanded.

2) CRAP - Ching Rules And Protects
Mr. Dictator (aka Ms. Dictator's other half)
wants to rule and protect all of you from The Jengster.
But I'd think that you'd need protection from him as well. Hahaha.
So vote for FAB! =P

3) JPA - Jengster Protects Also
Created solely because she wants to prove that she can protect too. =P

4) BUM - Bum's United Movement.
Created after that really aweful lost to Dexter And Party,
Bum Nation was disbanded and turned into: BUM.
Hoping to appeal to all the bums of the world, he has now created a nation of bums to take over the world.

5) Party Anak-anak Stanley
Can't do abbreviation for this for fear of getting sued.
Don't worry, he will come out with a speech to lure all of you into his trap.

6) FAB - Fishball and Bunny
The best one ever because it's MY party. And Fishball is inside too.
And, free beverages (water) and food (water, again) for all who vote for us.

Thank you.
And please vote.
The poll closes in one week.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


hey all, introducing the newest party to the blog.

MPAJA( Malamesia People Anti-Jengster Party)

Anyway this party was founded during chemistry by yours truly as well as Loverboy(got him to quit DAP).

How this party came about? Well this is a tale worthy of many ballads and sagas, which will be passed on from generation to generation, a tale of how the brave people of Malamesia stood up against The Jengster. This is our story:

Jengster: And Stupendous man will be in charge of our ISL, Internal Security Lameness, and he will be in charge of arresting people who are not lame and convert them.
Me: And do what?? Subject them to 1000 hours straight of lame jokes?!?
Jengster: Of course not. Why waste so much time? Just chop off their legs. MUAHAHAHA

At this point, we realized that if left unchecked, The Jengster would surely spread her influence to Melamekan the whole Malamesian population, leaving them in crutches or wheelchairs. Thus we the minority(the not lame-in other words cool/yeng people) have decided to form a resistance.

And so MPAJA was born.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Fishball and Bunny!
aka. Food and Beverages.
aka. FABulous!
aka. Famous and Beautiful
aka. Foxy and Buxom.
aka. Funny and Boisterous.
Fish and Ball= Fishball!

Of course you have to vote for us!
Of course, we didn't contest because we're too great and wonderful.
We'd just overshadow everybody else.
So, we decided to give a chance to all the other not so great people of the world.

The reason why we have decided to come out and reveal ourself is because there are CERTAIN people who have become too Jengsterish and want to take over our rightful position.

Also, we're obviously the greatest because whenever we fall, Fishball can bounce right up!
And, free food and beverages for everybody!!! Mr. Seo, please vote for us!

As of that, I declare the poll open!!!

ps: we have another new candidate: Mama Bear.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Bums National?

Ok. Fellow lamehabitants of maLAMEsia.

You can vote or not vote for me if you want to or not. It is up to you.

Thats all I have to say.

Toy Boy out.

Bum off. >D

The 2nd lameness general elections

Well since M'sia was in election fever in the past few days, a few people(not mentioning names) decided to have a competition between themselves to see who is lamer.

Anyway to clear up a few things, TB did not provide the answers for Jengster's questions. He also got stunned like the rest of us at the pure undiluted lameness of it all.

So, to even the field, TB's exploits today should be revealed. Since he was wearing blue, for some unknown reason, started to pretend to camouflage against anything blue. He would press against the wall, car, etc and ask whether we could see him of not. Surely this must be a sure sign of election *high* in order to get some votes in his favour.

Ok, since this is all cleared up, that's all for now. Happy voting.


Plssssss vote for Dexter And Party for a better future of Ma-LAME-sia.....

If you vote for my party instead of Bums Nation,I would give you all lame-o-meters for free....

Five reasons to vote for Dexter And Party

1.We will bring a new dawn to Ma-LAME-Sia where LAN subjects will be replace by LAME subjects...

2.We will give up scholarship to people who wanna do LAMECOLOGY(the study of lameness)

3.We will reduce tax for lame people and people who can't walk.

4.We are not like the Bum Nation who use the rakyat's money to buy lame jokes from the internet.

Instead we steal lame jokes from the internet and the money save is used for the development of the country especially ,OUR CAPITAL: KuaLAME LAMEPUR...

5.We have the best leader in the world Jengster who had been the head of the L.A.M.E Agency dedicated to eradicate lameness in people...oops...typing error...It should be SPREADING lameness....Btw...shes the mastermind behind this blog so vote for her.

P.S There will be a lame ceramah later at Jengster's house hosted by fishball and bunny....remember no crutches and wheelchairs provided.So bring your own....


Elections, again!

Let's all welcome another election!!!!
This round.....
we have only two parties!
And they're really lame, I tell you.
I wonder how they get around.
So, vote for the lamest!

They are....
1) Our honorary Ex-Lamest person: Toy Boy
Aka. Bums Nation.

2) Our very own guest blogger: The Jengster
Aka. Dexter And Party.

Yes, yes, YES!

=) Let's hear what they have to say.

Jengster: A green bean falls from the 22nd floor. What does it become?
Toy Boy: A red bean! Because it's covered in blood!

Jengster: A green bean goes into the rain. What colour does it become?
Toy Boy: A yellow bean! Because it wore a raincoat.

Jengster: A green bean jumps off the 20th floor and another jumps off the 2nd floor. What's the difference?
Bunny: 18 floors?
Toy Boy: One goes, Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, Plop! and another goes Plop, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!

I can't decide which one's lamer.
Why don't YOU vote?

ps: =( For fear of riots and crazy people suing us,
Me, the only logical person here, says that this poll has NOTHING to do with anyone or anything or any party that may or may not exist.
Thank you.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

And... the truth is out there.

It's here actually.
Kindly look to your right and see that thingy there.
Yes, for you extremely lame and blur people, it's a poll.
A poll about who is the lamest in our colony.

We wanted to add our fans, because they're obviously much lamer than us.
But, we didn't want to hurt their feelings, so yeah.

despite fervent denial from Toy Boy that he's NOT the lamest here,
He was officially voted the lamest!!!

You have received the highest honor that anyone in our blog can ever get.

Here's a trophy for you.
Oops, that's the Oscar.

This is your REAL prize:
May your lameness be ever lasting.
And may these crutches assist you in that.


Yes fellow friends. Today at 6.00 pm will be the closing of the elections! I think. >.<

Anyway, at 6 pm it will also be the closing of our "Who is the Lamest?" poll.

SO! People! You still have a chance to change your votes on ToyBoy and put them on THE REST!

You shouldn't vote for ToyBoy! He isn't lame. Anyway, you have approximately 4 more hours to vote!

So get to it!

Basking with Robbin.

Yes. Hello all once again. It has been awhile since I last posted. Hehe. Oh well. I'm back! YAY!

Yesterday, LAME. Co. ventured to Subang to have a bumming session at the famous Baskin' Robbins. Yum. Ice cream was good. Seriously.

Pity that Boy Wonder could not join us. Poor guy. He couldn't use his legs cause he's DUH lame.

You may be asking why didn't he fly? Well, he tore a hole in his cape and had to send it to the tailor. Thus, he could not fly himself over to join us. Oh well. We'll wait till he gets his cape back. =)

It was fun. We just had a fun conversation. Nothing much. Too much studying can be hazardous to one's health.

We've been studying biology for quite some time now. Too much Bio is hazardous for health. Hence, it is Bio-Hazardous.

However, if we do badly for Bio, then we'll get De-graded. So, it is also Bio-Degradeable. So sad la.

Oh well. Here're some pics. =)

Bunny, LoverBoy(behind), Fishball and ToyBoy

ToyBoy, Fishball, Bunny & LoverBoy

Till next time, folks.

Toy Boy out.

Bum off. =D

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Someone said, "Can I braid your hair?"

" Then I can eat it."

Get it?



That just brought the term lame to a whole new level.

OOh, and apparently, I bounce.
Which makes me look taller, then not-so-tall, then back to taller.
Cool ain't it what a fishball can do?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The lame game

In case we disappoint our 999999 fans (looking for one more to become a million fans!),
We will try to update daily.
I said TRY.

Anyway, our exams are coming up.
In like 3 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.
Woops. Make that 3 seconds.
Bah. Never mind.
I was just making some numbers anyway.
Oh, and that means, we won't be updating that much.

What the hell am I talking about, you may ask?
Frankly, I have no idea.

Back to the lame game.
Today, we had a bet whomever that DID NOT say anything lame will lose and type this post.
Guess I'm the least lamest.
Aka. coolest.
Here are the lame things that my friends (fans!) said:

Oh crap.
I've forgotten the lame things that they've said.

Crap can't save me now.
Boy Wonder!!!
His ability no. 47 to remember things is extraordinary.
Come on.
Where are you?

Ok BW here.
Utilizing ability no.74, (not no.47 lah, 47 is the ability to withstand the lameness of "The Rest" without being stunned)
Anyway a few highlights of the day.

During chem,
Bunny(while swirling mixture with termometer): Eh what's your temperature?
BW: 37.5 degrees.
(Tempted to say 50 degrees. Why you might ask. Cause I'm hotter than the rest of you)

Bio teacher cracked a super lame joke.
TB: Wah super cold lah.
Nee nee(henceforth known as The Jengster): That's why I have these*points at her own long sleeves with a cheeky smile*

Few days back,
TB squashing Fishball with table.
LB: Stop!! Or she will become a fishcake!!

Ok. Well there are much more lame stuff(such as dry swimming) but I am gonna use ability no. 30 to stop here and keep you all in suspense. Until the next post then.

Monday, March 3, 2008

LAME 101

If this is your first time here and so happen to be reading this, there can only be three reasons why:

  1. You took the bait the other contributors of this blog (henceforth known as The Rest) had set up for you, i.e. websites nestled conspicuously within their MSN nicks, or links on their blogs. Unless of course, you're forced to/verbally driven to submission.

  2. You happen to be searching for something totally unrelated but ended up here. Like, best fishballs in malaysia, or remedy for bleeding noses, or Naomi Watts moans. Sorry to disappoint, guys.

  3. You happen to be bored out of your brains and decided to type just to see if it exists and voila. If you're in this category, I have nothing to say to you.
If you're still reading, hello there, Tom/Dick/Harrietta/_____. Believe me, I am as lost here as you are. For one I have no idea why I'm being dragged into this and asked to guest blog for I am anything but lame. But nevertheless, I promised a post so here I will try to shed some light in a nutshell once and for all: What is the true essence of 'lameness'?

If you're still wondering, lame is the latest jargon adopted by tweens these days to refer not to the unfortunate, but rather an adjective describing someone who unfortunately tries to tell a joke but fails miserably because 1) it's not funny; 2) it's stupid or 3) it's so stupid it's not funny. But the funny thing is, people still laugh listening to what we refer to as 'lame jokes'. The reason is highly questionable. Are these people for real?

Though I must say, not all l-jokes are like that. Some are actually quite witty if I dare say so myself. Just that, not all are witty enough to appreciate and comprehend these gems.

It's quite unfair how l-jokers are often called the 'the lame ones', or 'lame people', or whatever in between. Whilst some are comfortable enough to adapt to the situation and cultivate their 'gifts' (this blog, for example), some are understandably not so receptive. After all, who would want to be labeled as such, when, if you observe closely, it shockingly spells a coded statement that is undoubtedly politically incorrect in every sense.

Losers Are Made Equal.

I rest my case.

I sleep better with Chipster

Aka. Toy Boy wants to see Dawn Yang in her nightie.
I hope he'll see this instead:
Hahaha. Serves you right.
Not that I'm insinuating that the person above is ugly of course.
(Just in case he/she sues me)

He also tried to get me excited by saying, Eh, Eh, got Kenny Sia in his boxers too!
=( You and I both know what a "turn on" that can be.
Tee hee.

For one thing, imagine 297 other Kenny Sia alike bloggers surrounding ONE lone Dawn Yang there in the middle.

Then there's me in my nightie.
Which is a bad idea.
I may have to bring knives to keep the wolves off me.

I may not go after all.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tales of a fairy aka fairy tales.

Okay, this is not a story about me.
Even though I'm the fairy around here.
It's about... I don't know? random things?

Okay, so here goes.

Once upon a time, there was this silly bunny who started off her story with once upon a time as well.
She didn't know that everyone hated that beginning so she got shot even before she got to the second paragraph.
The End.
True Story.

So I'm gonna start off with a long long time ago.

A long long time ago, in a far far away land,
there was a bunny village.
The village was perfect.

Convenient, with 7 11s all just a hop away (pun intended).

There was this pretty little bunnie who was horribly good. (Not me.)

Even though this may sound like me, I'm of course, beautiful and much better. That's beside the point.
The prince of the country heard of her and wanted to woo her.

Of course, he wanted me first, but I rejected him. Teehee.

So, he had to pick some other not-so-pretty one to replace me.

I rejected him because he was gay, actually.
He's just marring to please his evil father, who hates gays.
So... Yeah.

This prince, Prince X, invited the bunny to his palace.

Of course, this naive little bunny didn't know that he wanted to woo her.

He sent her 3 medals. 1 for kindness, 1 for beauty and 1 for brightness.

He invited her to the palace under the pretext of her goodness.
However, she wasn't too bright and accepted the invitation.

When she arrived there, that vain little twit of a prince was still dressing and making up.
So, she took a walk in the palace garden.
There were pigs everywhere, because this prince had a fetish for pigs.
And, there was a wolf preying there.

She panicked, of course, and ran.
And hid in a bush.
Well, this wolf had seen her already and wanted her for his rabbit burger.
But, he couldn't find her as she was hidden.

BUT! As she was quivering in her bush, her 3 medals clinked together.
Hahahaha. Guess what happened?
The wolf gobbled her up for his dinner.
Hooray! That rids the world of one twit.

Now all I have left to do is think of a way to get rid of that twit of a prince.
Thank you.
The End.