Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Chronicles of Narnia

Yesterday, after saving the world for the 32495 time from the clutches of N(give or take 32495 times), Edwin, Alex , Stan and I decided to take some time off saving the world as well as from studying to catch the premier of the movie Narnia.(free tickets courtesy of Alex's church)

We arrived at 8.50pm for the 9pm show. The place was super pack, due to people's "nothing cheaper than something free" attitude. Anyway the security was tighter than Fort Knox as we had to surrender our handphones and go through a metal detector.

And one stupendous guy smartly went into a different cinema than us. He happily walked into cinema 11 while we were waiting for cinema 10 to get ready. After we got our seats(free seating, have to chong), I volunteered to rescue that bum from the grim fact of watching the movie alone. Turns out that bum had a prime seat right in the middle of cinema with the whole row to himself(why no one want seat with him, I leave it to your imagination).

As for the movie, it was ok. But at the end of the movie, we all had one similiar thought. Due to the fact they marched soldiers across the bridge, we all simultaneously thought of one word- "Resonance".

Anyway lazy continue. Bye

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