Saturday, March 8, 2008

Basking with Robbin.

Yes. Hello all once again. It has been awhile since I last posted. Hehe. Oh well. I'm back! YAY!

Yesterday, LAME. Co. ventured to Subang to have a bumming session at the famous Baskin' Robbins. Yum. Ice cream was good. Seriously.

Pity that Boy Wonder could not join us. Poor guy. He couldn't use his legs cause he's DUH lame.

You may be asking why didn't he fly? Well, he tore a hole in his cape and had to send it to the tailor. Thus, he could not fly himself over to join us. Oh well. We'll wait till he gets his cape back. =)

It was fun. We just had a fun conversation. Nothing much. Too much studying can be hazardous to one's health.

We've been studying biology for quite some time now. Too much Bio is hazardous for health. Hence, it is Bio-Hazardous.

However, if we do badly for Bio, then we'll get De-graded. So, it is also Bio-Degradeable. So sad la.

Oh well. Here're some pics. =)

Bunny, LoverBoy(behind), Fishball and ToyBoy

ToyBoy, Fishball, Bunny & LoverBoy

Till next time, folks.

Toy Boy out.

Bum off. =D

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