Saturday, April 5, 2008


Tadaa, ang ang ang, ding dong, drum rolls..

Hi everyone, I’m N. Have all of u watch L change the world? Near is so cute!!! Of cause L is very cute too!! The amount of sweets he consumes is amazing. So sad the kids don’t want.
I’ve been hearing Disney songs recently. Boy Wonder can go the distance. And a star is born!! Which is me, for I’ve a song named after me-Jenny. Heehee. They are all so nice and they certainly bring back memories.

Haha brother bear songs are very nice too, especially "Welcome". Haha there are 2 bears in our PM7 family. Tadaa… that is pooh bear and mamee bear. (mamee bear makes me think of mamee monster. Munch munch munch..)

Oh ya long ago I thought of a lame competition between all the contributors of this blog. The loser must be punished. Haha obviously I know I won’t lose. WAIT!! This does not mean I’m arrogant. WHY? Because I don’t think I’ll win also, since MPAJA is the government now. :) Besides, dexy bum is definitely lamer than me. Hahahahaha

But I’m quite random-just like radioactive decay. Don’t worry I’m not harmful because I’ve long half-life. Haha but if u r sooo scared and have no tortoise shell to hide inside, then u can buy the device to check lo. Too much money ar… so u should just trust me :)
This is a lame blog. So obviously the contents must be lame. Right? I’m forced to write lame things. If not ISL will catch me le. I don’t want!!! ><

That’s all for now. Can’t really think, still very tired. And I must study mechanics soon. Hmph spoil my mood. Hope it won’t be the same for other subjects. If suddenly all the teachers call me up n ask me to study. Hmm then I’ll not play at all for the holiday d. sob sob.

haha hehe hihi huhu hoho byebye. Hope dexy won’t bring a bazooka to shoot me down. If not I’ll use my radioactive power against him. Haha :p

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