Monday, April 28, 2008

Fish?Clean or Dirty?You decide lah...=P

D here.Reporting from my headquaters.N like soft toys especially seals but I,D love seafood.

Have you ever wonder is the fish that you are about to eat is clean or dirty?

Well,I do.

That is why when eating in Manhattan Fish Market D and H(Hao Hao) discuss professionally about the cleanliness of the GRILLED FISH we are having for dinner.

H: Fish are dirty lah.They never take bath.

D: You are wrong. I disagree. I mean imagine this. Johnson's Baby Shampoo factory would dump waste(excess shampoo) into the river.The river would flow to the sea where most fishes live.Indirectly, the fish would bathe in the shampoo making it clean.

I was thinking maybe that is the origin of sweet and sour fish. The fish take too much bath so in the end got the lemony Johnson's Baby Shampoo smell. Lemon is acidic ma..So,fish would be sour.

So all the chef need to do is add some sugar to the sour fish and there you have it....



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