Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The lame game

In case we disappoint our 999999 fans (looking for one more to become a million fans!),
We will try to update daily.
I said TRY.

Anyway, our exams are coming up.
In like 3 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.
Woops. Make that 3 seconds.
Bah. Never mind.
I was just making some numbers anyway.
Oh, and that means, we won't be updating that much.

What the hell am I talking about, you may ask?
Frankly, I have no idea.

Back to the lame game.
Today, we had a bet whomever that DID NOT say anything lame will lose and type this post.
Guess I'm the least lamest.
Aka. coolest.
Here are the lame things that my friends (fans!) said:

Oh crap.
I've forgotten the lame things that they've said.

Crap can't save me now.
Boy Wonder!!!
His ability no. 47 to remember things is extraordinary.
Come on.
Where are you?

Ok BW here.
Utilizing ability no.74, (not no.47 lah, 47 is the ability to withstand the lameness of "The Rest" without being stunned)
Anyway a few highlights of the day.

During chem,
Bunny(while swirling mixture with termometer): Eh what's your temperature?
BW: 37.5 degrees.
(Tempted to say 50 degrees. Why you might ask. Cause I'm hotter than the rest of you)

Bio teacher cracked a super lame joke.
TB: Wah super cold lah.
Nee nee(henceforth known as The Jengster): That's why I have these*points at her own long sleeves with a cheeky smile*

Few days back,
TB squashing Fishball with table.
LB: Stop!! Or she will become a fishcake!!

Ok. Well there are much more lame stuff(such as dry swimming) but I am gonna use ability no. 30 to stop here and keep you all in suspense. Until the next post then.

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