Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tales of a fairy aka fairy tales.

Okay, this is not a story about me.
Even though I'm the fairy around here.
It's about... I don't know? random things?

Okay, so here goes.

Once upon a time, there was this silly bunny who started off her story with once upon a time as well.
She didn't know that everyone hated that beginning so she got shot even before she got to the second paragraph.
The End.
True Story.

So I'm gonna start off with a long long time ago.

A long long time ago, in a far far away land,
there was a bunny village.
The village was perfect.

Convenient, with 7 11s all just a hop away (pun intended).

There was this pretty little bunnie who was horribly good. (Not me.)

Even though this may sound like me, I'm of course, beautiful and much better. That's beside the point.
The prince of the country heard of her and wanted to woo her.

Of course, he wanted me first, but I rejected him. Teehee.

So, he had to pick some other not-so-pretty one to replace me.

I rejected him because he was gay, actually.
He's just marring to please his evil father, who hates gays.
So... Yeah.

This prince, Prince X, invited the bunny to his palace.

Of course, this naive little bunny didn't know that he wanted to woo her.

He sent her 3 medals. 1 for kindness, 1 for beauty and 1 for brightness.

He invited her to the palace under the pretext of her goodness.
However, she wasn't too bright and accepted the invitation.

When she arrived there, that vain little twit of a prince was still dressing and making up.
So, she took a walk in the palace garden.
There were pigs everywhere, because this prince had a fetish for pigs.
And, there was a wolf preying there.

She panicked, of course, and ran.
And hid in a bush.
Well, this wolf had seen her already and wanted her for his rabbit burger.
But, he couldn't find her as she was hidden.

BUT! As she was quivering in her bush, her 3 medals clinked together.
Hahahaha. Guess what happened?
The wolf gobbled her up for his dinner.
Hooray! That rids the world of one twit.

Now all I have left to do is think of a way to get rid of that twit of a prince.
Thank you.
The End.

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