Monday, March 3, 2008

LAME 101

If this is your first time here and so happen to be reading this, there can only be three reasons why:

  1. You took the bait the other contributors of this blog (henceforth known as The Rest) had set up for you, i.e. websites nestled conspicuously within their MSN nicks, or links on their blogs. Unless of course, you're forced to/verbally driven to submission.

  2. You happen to be searching for something totally unrelated but ended up here. Like, best fishballs in malaysia, or remedy for bleeding noses, or Naomi Watts moans. Sorry to disappoint, guys.

  3. You happen to be bored out of your brains and decided to type just to see if it exists and voila. If you're in this category, I have nothing to say to you.
If you're still reading, hello there, Tom/Dick/Harrietta/_____. Believe me, I am as lost here as you are. For one I have no idea why I'm being dragged into this and asked to guest blog for I am anything but lame. But nevertheless, I promised a post so here I will try to shed some light in a nutshell once and for all: What is the true essence of 'lameness'?

If you're still wondering, lame is the latest jargon adopted by tweens these days to refer not to the unfortunate, but rather an adjective describing someone who unfortunately tries to tell a joke but fails miserably because 1) it's not funny; 2) it's stupid or 3) it's so stupid it's not funny. But the funny thing is, people still laugh listening to what we refer to as 'lame jokes'. The reason is highly questionable. Are these people for real?

Though I must say, not all l-jokes are like that. Some are actually quite witty if I dare say so myself. Just that, not all are witty enough to appreciate and comprehend these gems.

It's quite unfair how l-jokers are often called the 'the lame ones', or 'lame people', or whatever in between. Whilst some are comfortable enough to adapt to the situation and cultivate their 'gifts' (this blog, for example), some are understandably not so receptive. After all, who would want to be labeled as such, when, if you observe closely, it shockingly spells a coded statement that is undoubtedly politically incorrect in every sense.

Losers Are Made Equal.

I rest my case.

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