Sunday, April 27, 2008

A comprehensive guide to terms used in pm7

As the titles says, this will be a guide to commonly used terms and sound effects in pm7 that are found nowhere else, yet.(definitions included, in some cases examples)

Mangkuk: The ever famous term mangkuk. Originated from Pearly but slowly making its way around class due to efforts by Ching to make it the next cool thing to say. Its an encrpyted way of saying "I love you" when Pearly says it to someone, but when she says it to the rest of us, it just means "go die".

*sob sob*: N thinks that she is referring to being a boss when she says this. However, we think that she is trying to tell us how bad her language skills are.*refer to previous post* Bos is a malay language, so the plural should be bos-bos, not boss. Hence, N, you can sign up for Ching's malay language tuition.(wei Ching, recommend you, comission mari)

*whooooooo*: A sound Ah May makes when someone makes a sudden movement around her. We suspect that she makes this noise as her brain works hard to register the situation, so if you all hear a *whooooo* sound during our A levels exam, don't worry, its not the ghosts of A levels past,present and future coming to haunt you.

hotlah,*followed immediatly by a*thank you: A phrase introduced to us by Ah Seo. He wrongly assumes that we are referring to him when we mention the first word and will immediatly thank us for the comment. We however would like to suggest a few alternative words that would more accurately describe the situation if you are trapped with Ah Seo in a small enclosed room.
They are stuffy, pressured and suicidal(after hearing all the lame stuff from him).

More terms coming up next time. Until then sayonara.

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