Friday, March 21, 2008

A Mr Seo Guide To Paintball

During physics today, Ah Seo mentioned that he was gonna play paintball today. After we explained the basic concepts of paintball, he had a few ideas of his own.

Seo: So the objective is to capture the flag right? Why not just run straight to the flag instead of crawling there?
PM7: Later you kena shot then how? Everyone will shoot you lah if you run straight.
Seo: Provided that the bullets can hit me first. Btw how fast are the bullets?
Ching: Very fast lah.
Seo: Wah like that I play sniper and I guard my flag. I just hide near my flag and wait for my teammates to win.
PM7: And if they dont?
Seo: I commit suicidelah. When they come, I tell them "Dont shoot. Dont shoot. Nah I shoot myself"
PM7:..................(really nothing to reply)
Seo: See lame students get lame teachers lah. You all ar, influence me until like this.
PM7:*at this point almost everyone starts shooting Seo being our laziness mentor*

Anyway to all our loyal readers: Due to the upcoming trials exams, think this blog will enter temporary hibernation until the trials are over(2 weeks from now). Until then seeya.

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