Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tales of crabbing and such

As many of you may know,
(Since you're all fanatical fans of ME and always keep up with what I do)
pm7 bums had an unofficial meeting yesterday.
Ahem, with our fans, Nee Nee, Pearly and Lin Lin, of course.
(See how fanatical they are? They follow us everywhere, gasp!)

As you can see, we produced a video which just clearly showed how wonderful and cool we are.
Haha. Haha. Haha.
We actually had to sedate our fans as they were making too much noise cheering.
Hence, the quiet still background of the video.

And, back to the start.
We went to eat crab (duh, from the title).
Then Toy Boy suggested we go to Ah May's house and start CLAWING our way in.
Get it?
Crab claw? Claw?
Oh, forget it. =.=

So of course, we set on our way to her house.
(super hero song please, dumdumddumddum~ oh whatever, just imagine)
And, we started to claw our way in.
Her neighbors, who thought we were psychos (which we're obviously not),
Called the police!!!!
Of course, elections are coming, so the police arrived in a mere record of 4 hours!
Silly Toy Boy, who saw the police woman, gave in as quick as you can say, Ooh! Yummy police!
They should have more police like her.
All those idiotic evil men would then just give up and go to jail.

In case you were wondering, of course we're safe!
In order not to disappoint our fans by the demise of our death,
We had to break free from the prison!
We are super heroes, after all.

Boy Wonder used his super ability no. 59 to break free.
Yup, he can just slip through the cracks of the walls.
Be careful, girls!

Toy Boy, as usual, seduced his way out of prison.
With his daredevil look, of course.

I had the best way, of course.
Everyone could have escape that way.
But none of them were small enough to fit in my hole.
Gasp! That sounded dirty.

Lover Boy shot his way out.
That's why Toy Boy could seduce the police.
They had fallen in love with him.
I mean, how else could he have escaped?
Definitely not by his looks alone. Hehe.

Fishball rolled and bounced her way out after all that noisy commotion made by us.
Darn it.
She didn't even have to do anything.

Also, don't worry, Boy Wonder used his laser eyes to delete all our crime records.
Yay! That means we can all still go to university!

After that crazy tiring adventure, we headed back to our secret lair at Number I-have-no-idea, Street I-don't-even-care.
It's that pink blue house up in the sky.
See how secretive it is? Hehe.

The only way we can get up there is with Boy Wonder's ability No.45, flying and No.98, being able to carry a whole tonne.
Of course, bunnies can use our special ability to go up there too.
We can burrow our way up there using electromagnetic force.
Which, I cannot explain because lower intellectual life forms like you can never understand.

So after that, all we did was lay around and recharge our energy.
Just like college bums.
The End.
Until our next superhero adventure, of course.

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