Saturday, March 1, 2008

These legs are meant for walking. And that's just what they'll do.

Who's to say we're not blessed?

We all have 2 eyes, 2 ears, one nose, one mouth.
And they all work perfectly.
We have two hands that gets the work done.

But most importantly,
the one thing people find it hard to understand
is that WE HAVE TWO LEGS - and they are meant for walking.


Back to the beginning.

It really all started with the ToyBoy.

He's the bum of all the bums. We gave him a toy for his birthday that was supposed to transform him from a bum. Instead, because of his huge mass - that's why got huge atractive force - and the transformer thing couldn't work. SO the only thing it could change was the "T" to a "B" and hence I present to you, TOYBOY!

Ha. Ha.
Besides being a bum, he thinks every girl looks at him, wishes that his Occupation states Sex Instructor / Porn Star instead of plain old boring Student that I don't think he is:). His big mass procedes his reputation, and he mistakenly things everything big is attractive. SO NOT.

Other than that, he just does nothing but annoy EVERYONE. Really.

And then there's BoyWonder.

This one ah, don't know what to say about him la. First he thinks he can save the world, and then thinks that wearing shirts that are too small for him gives everyone the impression that he has a lot of muscles. Yeah right. We know better.

Ask him a question and he'll come up with an answer that makes you wish you never asked. He tells a joke, and you'll wish you never listened. Trust me, this guy is LAME. But as ToyBoy says, he can fly. So who cares?

Next up? LOVERBOY!

Someone broke his heart a couple of years ago, so since then he swore off all love - until recently that is. He claims to love everyone around him but as we all know, his love is only for that special someone, whose identity shall remain a mystery to all you readers. For now.

He's trying to deny his love for her, but we all know the truth. He says he still hasn't gotten over his first love, but again, we all know the truth. He's so full of love that you just want to smack him round the head to get him back to reality. (We've tried. Doesn't work. You should try it somtime. Just hit his head harder.)

Next up! My partner in crime. BUNNY!

This one is ah. I doubt she walks much but her legs are still working la, cuz they hop about! So she's half-lame. Once she opens her mouth, watch out everyone! The intersity of her voice, is enough to leave your ears ringing for awhile. Need help to get everyone's attention? Just ask the bunny! Together, we strive on our quest to rule all men of the world! Even though we're the minorities in this blog, I'm pretty sure we have enough power over the BOYS to get what we want. Heh.

You know the saying, " Save the best for last"? That is just so true.

The last one?

The one and only : FISHBALL!

I might be the smallest amongst the 5 of us, but trust me, I'm the one who is honest, humble, quiet, forgiving, friendly, approachable, fair, nice, and all that they're NOT.
People are just naturally attracted to me - even with my small mass.
I'm always the one they bully, just because I have a round head.
But me being me, I always forgive them. I'm so nice aren't I?
Sometimes I think I'm too good to be true.
But then again, I have to be real because I don't think you all can live without me in your life.
Your life wouldn't be so fun and full of life without me!

That's all for now from the least lamest of them all. I'm not lame k! I can roll and bounce about. Makes me more mobile than any off you!

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