Friday, March 21, 2008

A Mr Seo Guide To Paintball

During physics today, Ah Seo mentioned that he was gonna play paintball today. After we explained the basic concepts of paintball, he had a few ideas of his own.

Seo: So the objective is to capture the flag right? Why not just run straight to the flag instead of crawling there?
PM7: Later you kena shot then how? Everyone will shoot you lah if you run straight.
Seo: Provided that the bullets can hit me first. Btw how fast are the bullets?
Ching: Very fast lah.
Seo: Wah like that I play sniper and I guard my flag. I just hide near my flag and wait for my teammates to win.
PM7: And if they dont?
Seo: I commit suicidelah. When they come, I tell them "Dont shoot. Dont shoot. Nah I shoot myself"
PM7:..................(really nothing to reply)
Seo: See lame students get lame teachers lah. You all ar, influence me until like this.
PM7:*at this point almost everyone starts shooting Seo being our laziness mentor*

Anyway to all our loyal readers: Due to the upcoming trials exams, think this blog will enter temporary hibernation until the trials are over(2 weeks from now). Until then seeya.

Monday, March 17, 2008


That's our lucky number.
Because that's how much we have earned from our blog so far.
Dreaming ah?
Fat mong ah?
In my dreams lah!

We've earned...... 75 cents!
Thank you to all our fans out there who visit our blog regularly.
Now we know how much we're worth.
75 cents.
Woohooo....... =(

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sorry: Technical Error

A few of our fans pointed out that we left out a few candidates:
Mamee Bear and CRAP.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Please vote again.
Thank you.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Charlie The Unicorn

Heya folks. Here's a little something to waste your life with. Enjoy. =)

Friday, March 14, 2008


hey hey. today is another eventful day in pm7 as another 2 parties were formed.

1st of all, there is CRAP. It started in chem today when Ching got very excited that SPCA finally acknowledged him as a volunteer and printed his name in their magazine( in font 8). He started going about how he would someday be the president of SPCA and National AIDS Society and merge them into one. He would then call it Ching Shen Society for the Protection against Cruelty to Animals and Humans With AIDS and cancer, hence CSSPCAAHWAAC. He got so hyped up he almost jumped onto a chair to give a speech. Stupendous Man then suggested a CRAP(Ching Rules And Protects) instead of CSSPCAAHWAAC. Thus CRAP was born.

Later on, when cutting the cake, Bunny suggested Jengster form her own party to oppose MPAJA since DAP is well dead since Lover Boy left it. Anyway Bunny came up with JPA(Jengster Protects Also) to counter CRAP and MPAJA. But do not vote, repeat, do not VOTE for this evil party as it aims is to protect you from cool people and make sure you remain lame forever. (I am sure you want to keep your legs)

Anyway 2 new parties have entered the fray. Choose wisely. Over and out.

MPAJA chairman

Poll, again?!!! yah, lame poll, can't walk.

The other lazy bums of this blog were to lazy to put it up.
Bums. Sigh.
Anyway, we have new contestants!

Useless Dexter left his party (Dexter And Party) to join another party.
His old party has been disbanded.

2) CRAP - Ching Rules And Protects
Mr. Dictator (aka Ms. Dictator's other half)
wants to rule and protect all of you from The Jengster.
But I'd think that you'd need protection from him as well. Hahaha.
So vote for FAB! =P

3) JPA - Jengster Protects Also
Created solely because she wants to prove that she can protect too. =P

4) BUM - Bum's United Movement.
Created after that really aweful lost to Dexter And Party,
Bum Nation was disbanded and turned into: BUM.
Hoping to appeal to all the bums of the world, he has now created a nation of bums to take over the world.

5) Party Anak-anak Stanley
Can't do abbreviation for this for fear of getting sued.
Don't worry, he will come out with a speech to lure all of you into his trap.

6) FAB - Fishball and Bunny
The best one ever because it's MY party. And Fishball is inside too.
And, free beverages (water) and food (water, again) for all who vote for us.

Thank you.
And please vote.
The poll closes in one week.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


hey all, introducing the newest party to the blog.

MPAJA( Malamesia People Anti-Jengster Party)

Anyway this party was founded during chemistry by yours truly as well as Loverboy(got him to quit DAP).

How this party came about? Well this is a tale worthy of many ballads and sagas, which will be passed on from generation to generation, a tale of how the brave people of Malamesia stood up against The Jengster. This is our story:

Jengster: And Stupendous man will be in charge of our ISL, Internal Security Lameness, and he will be in charge of arresting people who are not lame and convert them.
Me: And do what?? Subject them to 1000 hours straight of lame jokes?!?
Jengster: Of course not. Why waste so much time? Just chop off their legs. MUAHAHAHA

At this point, we realized that if left unchecked, The Jengster would surely spread her influence to Melamekan the whole Malamesian population, leaving them in crutches or wheelchairs. Thus we the minority(the not lame-in other words cool/yeng people) have decided to form a resistance.

And so MPAJA was born.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Fishball and Bunny!
aka. Food and Beverages.
aka. FABulous!
aka. Famous and Beautiful
aka. Foxy and Buxom.
aka. Funny and Boisterous.
Fish and Ball= Fishball!

Of course you have to vote for us!
Of course, we didn't contest because we're too great and wonderful.
We'd just overshadow everybody else.
So, we decided to give a chance to all the other not so great people of the world.

The reason why we have decided to come out and reveal ourself is because there are CERTAIN people who have become too Jengsterish and want to take over our rightful position.

Also, we're obviously the greatest because whenever we fall, Fishball can bounce right up!
And, free food and beverages for everybody!!! Mr. Seo, please vote for us!

As of that, I declare the poll open!!!

ps: we have another new candidate: Mama Bear.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Bums National?

Ok. Fellow lamehabitants of maLAMEsia.

You can vote or not vote for me if you want to or not. It is up to you.

Thats all I have to say.

Toy Boy out.

Bum off. >D

The 2nd lameness general elections

Well since M'sia was in election fever in the past few days, a few people(not mentioning names) decided to have a competition between themselves to see who is lamer.

Anyway to clear up a few things, TB did not provide the answers for Jengster's questions. He also got stunned like the rest of us at the pure undiluted lameness of it all.

So, to even the field, TB's exploits today should be revealed. Since he was wearing blue, for some unknown reason, started to pretend to camouflage against anything blue. He would press against the wall, car, etc and ask whether we could see him of not. Surely this must be a sure sign of election *high* in order to get some votes in his favour.

Ok, since this is all cleared up, that's all for now. Happy voting.


Plssssss vote for Dexter And Party for a better future of Ma-LAME-sia.....

If you vote for my party instead of Bums Nation,I would give you all lame-o-meters for free....

Five reasons to vote for Dexter And Party

1.We will bring a new dawn to Ma-LAME-Sia where LAN subjects will be replace by LAME subjects...

2.We will give up scholarship to people who wanna do LAMECOLOGY(the study of lameness)

3.We will reduce tax for lame people and people who can't walk.

4.We are not like the Bum Nation who use the rakyat's money to buy lame jokes from the internet.

Instead we steal lame jokes from the internet and the money save is used for the development of the country especially ,OUR CAPITAL: KuaLAME LAMEPUR...

5.We have the best leader in the world Jengster who had been the head of the L.A.M.E Agency dedicated to eradicate lameness in people...oops...typing error...It should be SPREADING lameness....Btw...shes the mastermind behind this blog so vote for her.

P.S There will be a lame ceramah later at Jengster's house hosted by fishball and bunny....remember no crutches and wheelchairs provided.So bring your own....


Elections, again!

Let's all welcome another election!!!!
This round.....
we have only two parties!
And they're really lame, I tell you.
I wonder how they get around.
So, vote for the lamest!

They are....
1) Our honorary Ex-Lamest person: Toy Boy
Aka. Bums Nation.

2) Our very own guest blogger: The Jengster
Aka. Dexter And Party.

Yes, yes, YES!

=) Let's hear what they have to say.

Jengster: A green bean falls from the 22nd floor. What does it become?
Toy Boy: A red bean! Because it's covered in blood!

Jengster: A green bean goes into the rain. What colour does it become?
Toy Boy: A yellow bean! Because it wore a raincoat.

Jengster: A green bean jumps off the 20th floor and another jumps off the 2nd floor. What's the difference?
Bunny: 18 floors?
Toy Boy: One goes, Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, Plop! and another goes Plop, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!

I can't decide which one's lamer.
Why don't YOU vote?

ps: =( For fear of riots and crazy people suing us,
Me, the only logical person here, says that this poll has NOTHING to do with anyone or anything or any party that may or may not exist.
Thank you.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

And... the truth is out there.

It's here actually.
Kindly look to your right and see that thingy there.
Yes, for you extremely lame and blur people, it's a poll.
A poll about who is the lamest in our colony.

We wanted to add our fans, because they're obviously much lamer than us.
But, we didn't want to hurt their feelings, so yeah.

despite fervent denial from Toy Boy that he's NOT the lamest here,
He was officially voted the lamest!!!

You have received the highest honor that anyone in our blog can ever get.

Here's a trophy for you.
Oops, that's the Oscar.

This is your REAL prize:
May your lameness be ever lasting.
And may these crutches assist you in that.


Yes fellow friends. Today at 6.00 pm will be the closing of the elections! I think. >.<

Anyway, at 6 pm it will also be the closing of our "Who is the Lamest?" poll.

SO! People! You still have a chance to change your votes on ToyBoy and put them on THE REST!

You shouldn't vote for ToyBoy! He isn't lame. Anyway, you have approximately 4 more hours to vote!

So get to it!

Basking with Robbin.

Yes. Hello all once again. It has been awhile since I last posted. Hehe. Oh well. I'm back! YAY!

Yesterday, LAME. Co. ventured to Subang to have a bumming session at the famous Baskin' Robbins. Yum. Ice cream was good. Seriously.

Pity that Boy Wonder could not join us. Poor guy. He couldn't use his legs cause he's DUH lame.

You may be asking why didn't he fly? Well, he tore a hole in his cape and had to send it to the tailor. Thus, he could not fly himself over to join us. Oh well. We'll wait till he gets his cape back. =)

It was fun. We just had a fun conversation. Nothing much. Too much studying can be hazardous to one's health.

We've been studying biology for quite some time now. Too much Bio is hazardous for health. Hence, it is Bio-Hazardous.

However, if we do badly for Bio, then we'll get De-graded. So, it is also Bio-Degradeable. So sad la.

Oh well. Here're some pics. =)

Bunny, LoverBoy(behind), Fishball and ToyBoy

ToyBoy, Fishball, Bunny & LoverBoy

Till next time, folks.

Toy Boy out.

Bum off. =D

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Someone said, "Can I braid your hair?"

" Then I can eat it."

Get it?



That just brought the term lame to a whole new level.

OOh, and apparently, I bounce.
Which makes me look taller, then not-so-tall, then back to taller.
Cool ain't it what a fishball can do?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The lame game

In case we disappoint our 999999 fans (looking for one more to become a million fans!),
We will try to update daily.
I said TRY.

Anyway, our exams are coming up.
In like 3 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 47 minutes and 23 seconds.
Woops. Make that 3 seconds.
Bah. Never mind.
I was just making some numbers anyway.
Oh, and that means, we won't be updating that much.

What the hell am I talking about, you may ask?
Frankly, I have no idea.

Back to the lame game.
Today, we had a bet whomever that DID NOT say anything lame will lose and type this post.
Guess I'm the least lamest.
Aka. coolest.
Here are the lame things that my friends (fans!) said:

Oh crap.
I've forgotten the lame things that they've said.

Crap can't save me now.
Boy Wonder!!!
His ability no. 47 to remember things is extraordinary.
Come on.
Where are you?

Ok BW here.
Utilizing ability no.74, (not no.47 lah, 47 is the ability to withstand the lameness of "The Rest" without being stunned)
Anyway a few highlights of the day.

During chem,
Bunny(while swirling mixture with termometer): Eh what's your temperature?
BW: 37.5 degrees.
(Tempted to say 50 degrees. Why you might ask. Cause I'm hotter than the rest of you)

Bio teacher cracked a super lame joke.
TB: Wah super cold lah.
Nee nee(henceforth known as The Jengster): That's why I have these*points at her own long sleeves with a cheeky smile*

Few days back,
TB squashing Fishball with table.
LB: Stop!! Or she will become a fishcake!!

Ok. Well there are much more lame stuff(such as dry swimming) but I am gonna use ability no. 30 to stop here and keep you all in suspense. Until the next post then.

Monday, March 3, 2008

LAME 101

If this is your first time here and so happen to be reading this, there can only be three reasons why:

  1. You took the bait the other contributors of this blog (henceforth known as The Rest) had set up for you, i.e. websites nestled conspicuously within their MSN nicks, or links on their blogs. Unless of course, you're forced to/verbally driven to submission.

  2. You happen to be searching for something totally unrelated but ended up here. Like, best fishballs in malaysia, or remedy for bleeding noses, or Naomi Watts moans. Sorry to disappoint, guys.

  3. You happen to be bored out of your brains and decided to type just to see if it exists and voila. If you're in this category, I have nothing to say to you.
If you're still reading, hello there, Tom/Dick/Harrietta/_____. Believe me, I am as lost here as you are. For one I have no idea why I'm being dragged into this and asked to guest blog for I am anything but lame. But nevertheless, I promised a post so here I will try to shed some light in a nutshell once and for all: What is the true essence of 'lameness'?

If you're still wondering, lame is the latest jargon adopted by tweens these days to refer not to the unfortunate, but rather an adjective describing someone who unfortunately tries to tell a joke but fails miserably because 1) it's not funny; 2) it's stupid or 3) it's so stupid it's not funny. But the funny thing is, people still laugh listening to what we refer to as 'lame jokes'. The reason is highly questionable. Are these people for real?

Though I must say, not all l-jokes are like that. Some are actually quite witty if I dare say so myself. Just that, not all are witty enough to appreciate and comprehend these gems.

It's quite unfair how l-jokers are often called the 'the lame ones', or 'lame people', or whatever in between. Whilst some are comfortable enough to adapt to the situation and cultivate their 'gifts' (this blog, for example), some are understandably not so receptive. After all, who would want to be labeled as such, when, if you observe closely, it shockingly spells a coded statement that is undoubtedly politically incorrect in every sense.

Losers Are Made Equal.

I rest my case.

I sleep better with Chipster

Aka. Toy Boy wants to see Dawn Yang in her nightie.
I hope he'll see this instead:
Hahaha. Serves you right.
Not that I'm insinuating that the person above is ugly of course.
(Just in case he/she sues me)

He also tried to get me excited by saying, Eh, Eh, got Kenny Sia in his boxers too!
=( You and I both know what a "turn on" that can be.
Tee hee.

For one thing, imagine 297 other Kenny Sia alike bloggers surrounding ONE lone Dawn Yang there in the middle.

Then there's me in my nightie.
Which is a bad idea.
I may have to bring knives to keep the wolves off me.

I may not go after all.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tales of a fairy aka fairy tales.

Okay, this is not a story about me.
Even though I'm the fairy around here.
It's about... I don't know? random things?

Okay, so here goes.

Once upon a time, there was this silly bunny who started off her story with once upon a time as well.
She didn't know that everyone hated that beginning so she got shot even before she got to the second paragraph.
The End.
True Story.

So I'm gonna start off with a long long time ago.

A long long time ago, in a far far away land,
there was a bunny village.
The village was perfect.

Convenient, with 7 11s all just a hop away (pun intended).

There was this pretty little bunnie who was horribly good. (Not me.)

Even though this may sound like me, I'm of course, beautiful and much better. That's beside the point.
The prince of the country heard of her and wanted to woo her.

Of course, he wanted me first, but I rejected him. Teehee.

So, he had to pick some other not-so-pretty one to replace me.

I rejected him because he was gay, actually.
He's just marring to please his evil father, who hates gays.
So... Yeah.

This prince, Prince X, invited the bunny to his palace.

Of course, this naive little bunny didn't know that he wanted to woo her.

He sent her 3 medals. 1 for kindness, 1 for beauty and 1 for brightness.

He invited her to the palace under the pretext of her goodness.
However, she wasn't too bright and accepted the invitation.

When she arrived there, that vain little twit of a prince was still dressing and making up.
So, she took a walk in the palace garden.
There were pigs everywhere, because this prince had a fetish for pigs.
And, there was a wolf preying there.

She panicked, of course, and ran.
And hid in a bush.
Well, this wolf had seen her already and wanted her for his rabbit burger.
But, he couldn't find her as she was hidden.

BUT! As she was quivering in her bush, her 3 medals clinked together.
Hahahaha. Guess what happened?
The wolf gobbled her up for his dinner.
Hooray! That rids the world of one twit.

Now all I have left to do is think of a way to get rid of that twit of a prince.
Thank you.
The End.

The dams have crumbled!

Omg! My nose is bleeding! AH!!! Sigh.

My nose is crippled by the nostril that I keep on closing!

You overflow and I keep bleeding,
Keep keep bleeding nose,
Keep bleeding,
Keep keep bleeding nose.

Oh god. Why la?!

My nose hasn't bled in like a long time now. Geez.

Sick la!

Toy Boy out.

Bum off.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Oh. My. God.

You know what I just heard?

You know what came out of Fishball's mouth!?


Quote Fishball: "Studying is entertaining what. You learn new things!"

OMFG!!! WTF! Now that is just the LAMEST thing i've ever heard. >.<

Haih. This girl is just crazy la. No help already. Her brain sot sot jor. Haih.

And now she wants to go read. WTF?!

I'm so flabbergasted until i want to go away. Bye.

Toy Boy out.

Bum off.


You know what? I like the name Naomi. If i ever date someone(provided I'm single at that moment in time), I'd want to date a girl called Naomi. Of course, she has to be hot la. Duh.

Anyway, why Naomi you ask? Well. Simple. Turn the name around. What do you get?

Naomi ~ Imoan

Muahaha! I Moan. Wow. Perfect la.

Some famous Naomi's in the world are: Naomi Watts, Naomi Campbell, Naomi the Pornstar(LOL), Naomi Russell and I'm sure many many other Naomi's. =P

Sue me. I'm feeling random.

So, to all the Naomi's in the world, here's to you! Cheers!

Toy Boy out.

Bum off.

New stars

Not so great stars, actually.
Unlike me and me. By me, I mean Bunny.
Oh yes, and me.
And me, again.
And obviously, me.
Oh yes, Fishball, Toy Boy, Wonder Boy and Lover Boy. (If not, they'll kick me off this blog)
And let's not forget me.
We're like the shining stars of the world today.
In fact, the light you see is not from the Sun.
It's from us.
You should be paying us royalty for all that light.

This ugly picture is not drawn by me.
But that's beside the point.

The point is, on a knife, but that's lame.
We're adding 2 new guest bloggers to our blog!
(soft drum roll please. The loud ones are for the REAL stars)
Oi! Apek, faster!


Stupendous man the apek.
Stupendous means extremely large.
Well, we all know that he chose this name for himself.
So yeah, 3 guesses for what he's referring to.
1) His tummy from eating too much
2) *censored in case of people aka Stupendous Man suing us*
3) His head from being too self absorbed

Stupendous also means great.
But we all know this isn't possible because I am the great one here.
And, Fishball, Lover Boy, Wonder Boy and Toy Boy.
(Again, because they might kick me off the blog. Teehee.)

Also, I like to see it as he wanted to write Stupid Man, people angry at me ad! but accidentally misspelled it as Stupendous Man.

Well, one will never know.
But! I'd think the best reason would be that he stupefies us all with his lame jokes.

For example:
Stan: I'm wearing Space Pants.
Bunny: Huh? (This guy is weird)
Stan: Ask why lar, silly!
Bunny: Oh, why? (Okay, confirmed crazy, must be from being my fan for so long)
Stan: Because my ass is out of this world!

But he's a nice old moldy apek.
And he's Toy Boy's lover!
So all the more reason to add him in.

(Second drum roll, please.)
Presenting, Dai Ka Ceh, aka. Xiao Zha Boh.
Please don't kill me.
Those names are from Boy Wonder.
It's all his ability No. 78's fault.
Insulting people. Hmph.

Okay, this girl is kinda crazy. It's true!
Sorry, Fishball, but she has displaced you as the lamest here.
She's the one in the wheelchair. Because she's too lame. =)
The mastermind of everything.
Something like Professor X.
The masterMIND? The wheelchair?
Get it?

Anyway, welcome!
Welcome to our humble abode of the secret lair of the sky!
It's now called the Secret Lair in the Sky.
What a creative name, huh?

All you have to do is post stuff and bum around.
Warning: Posts which are too lame WILL be deleted.
You know, just to tell you.
Because you're definitely lamer than all of the shining stars here.

And a new star is born............

A new talent was unearthed at toy boy's house yesterday after our crabbing(not crapping) experience.

Introducing the one and only Nee Nee aka lao zah boh aka xiao zha boh aka PM7 dai ka jie.

Turns out she can be lamer than all 5 of us combined. So in short, we are trying all we can to force her into this blog.

Anyway bunny has described our unofficial meeting with our KLF(ke le fe) fans quite well. but she missed out the part b4 dinner

*drum roll*

our Taboo experience


The winning team consisted of me, fishball, bunny and shin li(fan number 29853) while the other not so great team consisted of toy boy, lover boy, Pearly(fan #99843) and the aforementioned xiao zah boh.

anyway the match could have been pretty much one sided as I was able to utilize ability number 101 to read minds(quite challenging when there's nothing much to read) and straight away shot out the answer. However in the spirit of fair play, I played along like everyone else.

Anyway a few of the highlights
Fishball: What is Toy Boy want to do when he grows up?
Me: Pornstar
Bunny: Sex instructor
Shin Li: *same thoughts but kept quiet*
Fishball: NO!!!! the other one
3 of

Toy Boy: Its the cartoon show you like best.
Lover Boy: Er..........
TB:Come on you know this.
LB:Winnie the pooh???
TB:NO!!! the actor died out of heat stroke in his suit.
I told you this before!!!!!!!!
TB:Come on!!! Died in suit due to heat stroke!!!! Damm stupid show one!!!!!
Bunny:Ok time's up
Me: *showing skill* What was in the "This is Sparta" mail i sent you?
LB:*instantly* Teletubbies.(which was the answer)
TB: *due to the nature of his words, we fully regret not being able to print them here lest we be sued by the government for undermining their moral education scheme(not that it worked in the first place but safety first) *

OK. that's all for now. until next time. Ciao

Tales of crabbing and such

As many of you may know,
(Since you're all fanatical fans of ME and always keep up with what I do)
pm7 bums had an unofficial meeting yesterday.
Ahem, with our fans, Nee Nee, Pearly and Lin Lin, of course.
(See how fanatical they are? They follow us everywhere, gasp!)

As you can see, we produced a video which just clearly showed how wonderful and cool we are.
Haha. Haha. Haha.
We actually had to sedate our fans as they were making too much noise cheering.
Hence, the quiet still background of the video.

And, back to the start.
We went to eat crab (duh, from the title).
Then Toy Boy suggested we go to Ah May's house and start CLAWING our way in.
Get it?
Crab claw? Claw?
Oh, forget it. =.=

So of course, we set on our way to her house.
(super hero song please, dumdumddumddum~ oh whatever, just imagine)
And, we started to claw our way in.
Her neighbors, who thought we were psychos (which we're obviously not),
Called the police!!!!
Of course, elections are coming, so the police arrived in a mere record of 4 hours!
Silly Toy Boy, who saw the police woman, gave in as quick as you can say, Ooh! Yummy police!
They should have more police like her.
All those idiotic evil men would then just give up and go to jail.

In case you were wondering, of course we're safe!
In order not to disappoint our fans by the demise of our death,
We had to break free from the prison!
We are super heroes, after all.

Boy Wonder used his super ability no. 59 to break free.
Yup, he can just slip through the cracks of the walls.
Be careful, girls!

Toy Boy, as usual, seduced his way out of prison.
With his daredevil look, of course.

I had the best way, of course.
Everyone could have escape that way.
But none of them were small enough to fit in my hole.
Gasp! That sounded dirty.

Lover Boy shot his way out.
That's why Toy Boy could seduce the police.
They had fallen in love with him.
I mean, how else could he have escaped?
Definitely not by his looks alone. Hehe.

Fishball rolled and bounced her way out after all that noisy commotion made by us.
Darn it.
She didn't even have to do anything.

Also, don't worry, Boy Wonder used his laser eyes to delete all our crime records.
Yay! That means we can all still go to university!

After that crazy tiring adventure, we headed back to our secret lair at Number I-have-no-idea, Street I-don't-even-care.
It's that pink blue house up in the sky.
See how secretive it is? Hehe.

The only way we can get up there is with Boy Wonder's ability No.45, flying and No.98, being able to carry a whole tonne.
Of course, bunnies can use our special ability to go up there too.
We can burrow our way up there using electromagnetic force.
Which, I cannot explain because lower intellectual life forms like you can never understand.

So after that, all we did was lay around and recharge our energy.
Just like college bums.
The End.
Until our next superhero adventure, of course.

These legs are meant for walking. And that's just what they'll do.

Who's to say we're not blessed?

We all have 2 eyes, 2 ears, one nose, one mouth.
And they all work perfectly.
We have two hands that gets the work done.

But most importantly,
the one thing people find it hard to understand
is that WE HAVE TWO LEGS - and they are meant for walking.


Back to the beginning.

It really all started with the ToyBoy.

He's the bum of all the bums. We gave him a toy for his birthday that was supposed to transform him from a bum. Instead, because of his huge mass - that's why got huge atractive force - and the transformer thing couldn't work. SO the only thing it could change was the "T" to a "B" and hence I present to you, TOYBOY!

Ha. Ha.
Besides being a bum, he thinks every girl looks at him, wishes that his Occupation states Sex Instructor / Porn Star instead of plain old boring Student that I don't think he is:). His big mass procedes his reputation, and he mistakenly things everything big is attractive. SO NOT.

Other than that, he just does nothing but annoy EVERYONE. Really.

And then there's BoyWonder.

This one ah, don't know what to say about him la. First he thinks he can save the world, and then thinks that wearing shirts that are too small for him gives everyone the impression that he has a lot of muscles. Yeah right. We know better.

Ask him a question and he'll come up with an answer that makes you wish you never asked. He tells a joke, and you'll wish you never listened. Trust me, this guy is LAME. But as ToyBoy says, he can fly. So who cares?

Next up? LOVERBOY!

Someone broke his heart a couple of years ago, so since then he swore off all love - until recently that is. He claims to love everyone around him but as we all know, his love is only for that special someone, whose identity shall remain a mystery to all you readers. For now.

He's trying to deny his love for her, but we all know the truth. He says he still hasn't gotten over his first love, but again, we all know the truth. He's so full of love that you just want to smack him round the head to get him back to reality. (We've tried. Doesn't work. You should try it somtime. Just hit his head harder.)

Next up! My partner in crime. BUNNY!

This one is ah. I doubt she walks much but her legs are still working la, cuz they hop about! So she's half-lame. Once she opens her mouth, watch out everyone! The intersity of her voice, is enough to leave your ears ringing for awhile. Need help to get everyone's attention? Just ask the bunny! Together, we strive on our quest to rule all men of the world! Even though we're the minorities in this blog, I'm pretty sure we have enough power over the BOYS to get what we want. Heh.

You know the saying, " Save the best for last"? That is just so true.

The last one?

The one and only : FISHBALL!

I might be the smallest amongst the 5 of us, but trust me, I'm the one who is honest, humble, quiet, forgiving, friendly, approachable, fair, nice, and all that they're NOT.
People are just naturally attracted to me - even with my small mass.
I'm always the one they bully, just because I have a round head.
But me being me, I always forgive them. I'm so nice aren't I?
Sometimes I think I'm too good to be true.
But then again, I have to be real because I don't think you all can live without me in your life.
Your life wouldn't be so fun and full of life without me!

That's all for now from the least lamest of them all. I'm not lame k! I can roll and bounce about. Makes me more mobile than any off you!