Friday, February 29, 2008

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

And Man became 3 Boys 1 Bunny & A Fishball.

Roll out the red carpet! Prepare the way!

Lights, camera, ACTION!

PM7 Bums is proud to present:

US. =P

We have no life la. Don't blame us. You can't be mad at us anyway, we're handicap. Our legs don't work cause we're lame.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My legs aren't working! Does that mean.....I'm Lame?

Hello all. ToyBoy here. Welcome to our lame blog. Seriously. Lame. >.<

I don't even know why I am included here. I mean, I'm so not lame. I can walk right? Sigh.

Jokes. Jokes.

Anyway, let me begin by telling you about the founders of this blog.

Firstly, there's me. ToyBoy. How I got this name? I will never know. Ask LoverBoy and BoyWonder. Maybe cause I'm always thinking about sex, till one day I'll end up as a MILF's toyboy. Oh well, she better be hot. =P

My classmates seem to consider me as the lamest here. But I don't think I am. I mean, it all started from Wai Bin man. He and his peptide bond joke. ><

Secondly, there is LoverBoy. He thinks he's so funny. Telling his jokes around. I mean, listen to this, it was a joke he told: "Why did the bartender give the mushroom a free drink?" -- "Because he was a FUNghi."

I mean. COME ONE. FUNGHI?! FUN GUY!? SO LAME. Sigh. Lame till its not funny. So i think LoverBoy should be the lamest. Not me. Definitely not me. =) I'm sure you all agree.
Anyway, LoverBoy is in love currently. Hence, the name LoverBoy. He's been writing songs and poetry about love. Some even say he's PM7's Cupid. SWT!

He's been staring blankly into space during classes and been so blur lately. We suspect that he has Acute viral loveryngitis aka The Love Bug. =D Ngekekekeke. I will leave it to the LoverBoy to describe himself later on. Here's a picture of the bum:

Thirdly, there's the Bunny. The psychotic killer bunny. With looks that deceive. She may appear cute and cuddly at first sight, but she's downright violent and aggressive. Scary man. She's lame too. Sometimes she walks with crutches. To help with the lameness. =D
She's too full of herself. She knows it. She's like obsessed and in love with herself. LOL.
I can't elaborate much about this girl because SOMEONE will get angry and start throwing a fit.
So ya. Here's the Evil Psychotic Bunny:

Thirdly, my favourite: The Boy Wonder. I love this boy. He's so CUTE! Haha! He's the 13 year old looking 18 year old who can do anything. Play Air Piano, Spin his blardy file on one finger, GRIN all the time, super pro at math and physics, carry almost nothing in his bag, walk to KTM, rejects my love eventhough we all know his true feelings for me: LOVE. Oh well. Boy Wonder. I don't know what I'd do without him. Oh yah! He's lame. VERY LAME. But he can fly so he won't need his legs. =)

And lastly, there's FISHBALL! BALL-BALL! aha! Ok. This one is the Mother of ALL LAMENESS! I kid you not. Her head is so round because all the lameness in her head is pushing outwards from the center with equal magnitude. So you can somehow say it's like centripetal force. =D She's full of herself. Serious. Thinks she so great. But in truth we all know I'm the greatest and that she looks up to me. I'm the SiFu. MUAHAHA! FISH BALL!!!!!!

I think that's all i have for now. I'm tired. I have a cold and my head hurts. Boo.

So I shall leave you all for now.

ToyBoy's Joke Of The Day: What do John the Baptist & Winnie the Pooh have in common? Their middle name.

Ha. Ha.

TTFN. xoxo you know you love me, Toy Boy. =)

Wise Words From A Wise Bunny

Sounds like a website, eh?
Maybe I should start one.
No! Slaps self.
Got 3 blogs already.
Will go siao from doing that.

Hello, everybody. =)
No matter what people may or may not have told you, I insist I DO NOT need to see a psychiatrist.
I'm serious.
If you keep insisting that I go, I'll probably bite your head off.

As you can see, my favourite colour is pink purple.
My hopeless bummy friends wouldn't know that.
So yeah, this is just for general info, in case you ever wanted to buy me a rose.
You'll never know, considering the amount of fans I have.
And by the way, I like tiger lilies.

Oopsie. I digressed.
Erm, what was this post about again?

Okay, I'm supposed to introduce myself and my bums (fans actually, but they just won't admit it. Hehe.)

Let's start with Toy Boy.
He's like, one of my favourites.
He's the King of Bums.

He's the one who influenced me to become a bum.
He... blablabla.
=( I'm not too good at describing people.
So here's a picture of how he kinda looks like.
Yup, that gay with the pink background, butterfly and all.

He acts gay, he sounds gay, but he's NOT gay.
Sorry to disappoint you all (especially the guys) but he has a girlfriend.
But I secretly think he has the hots for me. ^^
Don't worry, Toy Boy. I won't tell anyone about our affair. =P
I'm just kidding. My hunny bunny and his apPLe will kill him if he did.
Okay, don't wanna waste much of my post space by talking about him. Not really worth it. =P Don't kill me!
So.... Next, Fishball. One of my favourites too!

She's like my comrade in this male domineering world.
Tsk tsk. These MCPs all.
We had to pull their hair, bitch slap them and punch their teeth out just to get ourselves in the blog.

Hence, the "toothy" grin and lack of hair.
The face is kinda uneven because of the bitch slapping.
Okay, I'm joking, again. I just suck at drawing.
So, back to Fishball.
She's actually the lamest amongst all of us.

Even though she refuses to admit it.

In fact, I'm suprised she can still walk! Gasp! =P
And... She looks like this:
Ever seen a Fishball before?
Yup. Looks like this.
All round and squishy.

Must be all that brain inside her head.

Next up is, Boy Wonder!
Woohoo, wonderful!
Another favourite of mine.
In case you don't realise, the blue one is his cape and the red one is those underwear thingy that superheroes wear.
I don't get why people complain when I draw this emblem of him.
I mean, look at it! It's cool!
Those scriggly scraggly lines and all.
Okay, never mind.

So, this is the guy who can do it all. Or so Toy Boy says.
But I still think I should have been Wonder Girl.
After all, I can do anything. Like, eat gazillion carrots.

But! Toy Boy insisted. Sigh.

Hence the wonderful name of Boy Wonder.
Or should we say, Man wonder.
Oh yes! It's his birthday today!

OMG. You share the same birthday as our blog!
Congratulations! You must be so proud!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Boy Wonder and this blog.
Of course, this blog comes first okay?
Just kidding. =)

Well, this is turning out to be quite a long post.
I'd better wrap it up by introducing the last but not least member, Lover Boy.
Rumour has it that he is the latest Casanova.
Sorry girls, but he's fully booked for this two years or so.
Come back after you have graduated.

Oops. Looks like he got shot by his own arrow.
Darn it, Luver Boy.
You ought to be more careful.
Yeah, he's kinda eccentric.
But, that makes him even nicer to hang out with. =)
Get your grubby hands off him. He's mine.
Hahaha. I'm only kidding.
He belongs to his Mcdonald girl. =)

Oh my gosh!!!!
I nearly forgot to talk about my MOST FAVOURITE person of all!
Not to mention the coolest, most adorable, smartest, brightest, most wonderful person OF ALL!
Okay, of course.
It's me.
In case anyone else thought I might be talking about them.
Like some perasan people like *ahemToyBoyahem*.
Well, I guess that I'm just so cool that people can obviously see how cool, adorable, smart and witty I am by just reading what I have to say.
So, it's kind of redundant to repeat that since everybody knows I'm sweet, adorable, cool, smart and bright.

Ah well, have a pleasant day everybody!
See? I'm really very nice.
I don't know why people keep saying I'm mean.
Of course, they can't say that anymore because I've bitten their head off.
Hehe. Effective.


In the beginning, there was the ONE.

And then, there was TWO (by cell division) =P.

But actually, there was THREE.

Somehow, it became FOUR.

And now, there is FIVE.

So how?

Together, they became 3 Boys 1 Bunny and a Fishball.

These are the tales of their epic adventure to become

"The Lamest People to Ever Walk The Earth."

Stay tuned for Chapter 1.

Next time. =)

Joke of the day: Two nuts were walking through a dark alley. One was assaulted.
Get it?
Too bad.