Sunday, January 25, 2009


This blog seems to be dying, so perhaps it's time to bring some live back to the pages of the lame blog. With many of us going to different parts of the world, I guess that not keeping in touch seems to be the way to go for normal people. But you forget, my fellow lame bloggers, that WE ARE NOT NORMAL. not even close to being normal.

So update this blog asap! even just to tell the rest of the world that you're okay, and perhaps "de-laming".

As for me, I just want to wish all of you a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!! 

Enjoy your time with your families, while I enjoy the cold here 7000 miles away. 

Take care everyone! 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Xmas....

Christmas is probably one of my favourite time of the year.

More than CNY in fact.

When I think of Xmas, I always picture me and my FnF sitting under a huge Xmas decorated with lotsa ornaments with the angelic star topping the tree, and we just sit there doing what we all do best: Bumming around,exchanging gifts and maybe eating Xmas cookies.

Christmas is the time when we spread the love around and most of all sharing these special moments with our love ones-that's the reason I have always love Xmas since I was a child. Never mind the Santa Clause stories that my parents used to tell me.

I guess all I wanna say is......


and have a wonderful yet lame christmas, PM7...


Monday, December 1, 2008


Yes. Shen Jin is back home in Malaysia, PM7!


Saturday, November 1, 2008

IMU Bachelorette 2008

The one in the center holding the flowers.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mizuno Wave Run

2 Interesting pics I found (notice the guy on the left)

Monday, October 6, 2008

And let's go!

Oh, guess what, guys?
I heard of a great place to go.
IF I remember correctly, it has a beach, and... and... a lot of fun stuff to do!
We could like, hang out and bum.
It'll be like really cool and fun.
Especially if I can remember where that freaking place is.

All those other useless details like, you know, time and date, we'll just skip that.

Other than that, reply me about going yeah =)

Take care!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Why I was so dead during Qian's gathering

Woke up at 3.30 am to climb Klang Gate(Bukit Tabur) on same day as gathering.

Still searching for more pics. Will update when they are found.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ah. the truth.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A confession??

Since we are on the topics of smses,

Fong: Hey X. Want lunch tmr or not? 12.30
X: Dahlah ur good fren's dearest lover, so ur trying2mk me main kayu goodness noe hw much again ar?XP............(editors note: irrelevant)
Fong: Wat main? You memang Y zui ai de..............
X: Ya wat. Since im his zui ai de n im going4lunch wif his fren main laXP.

Due to privacy reasons, the names have been replaced with X and Y.

Hint: Look at how X refers to herself with referance to Y.

And to all you busybodies out there, X and Y should be really obvious, since I think only one person in our class uses that smiley.

Even when we're apart.

Yes, using the handphone and SMSing lame comments is definitely a way to keep the lamity going on.

Here's a few examples of the messages I've gotten ;

Scenario 1 :

I just sprained my ankle, and messaged Loverboy to tell him that I have a tennis ball on my ankle due to the swelling.

And his response?

Loverboy : On the bright side, you can sponsor Wimbledon some tennis balls :) .

Scenario 2 :

Fishball : Hey, just wanted to let you know that I'm bringing macaroni salad tomorrow
HJ : Oh thanks. I was just wondering whether there'll be vege. Surprisingly from Fishball. I think I'll just bring some meat dish.
Fishball : Oh, my macaroni special one. No vege.
HJ : Didn't you say salad? macaroni with vege rite? Put some lettuce in it.
Fishball : The only vege that is going to be in my macaroni, will be raisins, if that's counted.

( here comes the punch line. Ready???)

HJ : I really thought you turned over a new VEGE.

And I'm sure you all can guess who HJ is.

See, lamity even apart.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Admin: Edwin
Inspirer: Mr. Seo

Satisfy Edwin Organisation.
Yup, it's something like WWE (We Want Edwin competition)
Only, this time, it was started all because of Edwin's lust greed for girls power.
I, Yummy Bunny aka. Cili Padi aka. Spicy Ms. Kang, was supposed to sign a contract with Edwin to start a YouTube revolution, something along the lines of Lonelygirl15 and such.
He was supposed to get 10% of my share. But no, he wanted 25%.
So yes, he started this organisation to start looking for girls to be his "lonelygirl15".
If you haven't heard of lonelygirl15, i can just say you suck you have a life, other than Youtubeing all the time (unlike Stanley)

My videos will be uploaded soon.
Stay tuned. TQ

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

2nd night in Redang

While most of the class slept, this is what a few of us helped to create.

A message from B(not the mangkuk B, another one) to S.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Old old times

Stan & Ed
Uploaded by Xiahbaby

Monday, June 30, 2008

Doing fine..


Btw,I am doing fine here back in Miri.

There's not much changes in my Miri of course except for the fact that there are more cars than usual.


I discover my lil' sis is random like the radioactive decay as well.


It must be my influence I supposed. Let's hope she doesn't get lame like the rest of the lame but walking gang coz randomness is directly proportional to the squareroot of lameness.


Ok.GTG.Bye bye.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

And so he left.....

This post is dedicated to that bum Dexter aka Lover Boy.

We met up at Shen's house yesterday for a farewell dinner for Dex. Bout 13 of us came and we finally got a taste of Shen's mum famous claypot chicken rice. Anyway during the course of dinner, we did what we do best, talking a whole lot of fei hua. (award goes to Pearly, who looked at the claypot and asked whether it was bought and homemade one)

Anyway we had everyone take turns to spill out their hearts to Dex and vise versa. One of us broke into tears(partly due to Stan making dam bursting sound effects). Technically it was quite a sad moment for Dex while some of us tried to keep the mood "not so dead" by adding some lame stuff here and there in people's speech.

The next day, I went to see the bum off. Reached his apartment at 7.15am, spent 15 mins writing a letter for him and another 30 mins catching up on some sleep while Dex slept. Went down for breakfast together with Kok Wei. After breakfast, we took a trip down Dex's memory lane(technically one last tour of Taylors, including TBS). Dex kept talking bout how happy he was to be going back but IMO it was bullshit.(sounds damm fake to me lah his voice) Anyway we later talked a bit in his apartment with Belaian Jiwa playing in the background.

Finally it was 9.50am. We helped chuck his stuff down and into the taxi. We hugged, said keep in touch and he got into the cab.

And he left.................

And as I walked to the KTM, I reflected upon the good times we had andrealized I am really gonna miss having that bum around.( nuts getting a bit emo)

Our class number is now reduced by 4 and lamebutwalking gang reduced by 1.

Well Dex, it has been great knowing you. Thanks for the times we spent lepaking in your apartment. All the best. And as they say

"Don't be sad its over, be happy because it happened."

P.S.: The author of this post is back to his normal self after a sleep on the KTM. (Wonders sleeping on the KTM can do, besides giving the author a stiff neck)

Monday, June 23, 2008



Miss you guys!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I just realised something

i'm so gonna miss all of you! =)


What do you do when you see a blue banana?
You comfort it

What’s the difference betwen a fly and a mosquito?
A mosquito can fly but a fly cannot mosquito

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

7 Reasons

In a recent conversation with A*(names changed to protect privacy), yours truly managed to find out that A is in fact very angry with B*. Due to much interest of readers to the topic, we have posted a short segment of the conversation for all to see. No prizes for guessing who the 2 people in the conversation are.
you want whole list?
ok, you angry that he:
1. did not ask you out to the prom
2. did not pay for your ticket
3. did not offer to pick you up
4. did not offer to dance with you
5. did not offer to send you back
oi need no need......all nonsense
nut la u
6. did not offer to stand on your porch with you and gaze deeply in ur eyes
7. and seal it with a *ahem*
siao fella

Ok. Now the world knows the truth between them. My job here is done.*rides of in the direction of the setting sun*

Apparently after yours truly posted about A and B, yours truly received an offline message from A 2 hours later which goes:

You are truly a NUT!!! rili siao fella
thx for chging the names (I got thanked!!!!!)
but i hv a feeling im gonna die anyway

and shortly after that, at approximately another 2 hours time, at 2 am in the morning, B finally asked A out. aaahhh feel like done a good deed, extremely satisfied.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Fish and Cats.

Remember our 9 lives story?

Since then, somehow or another, I've come acrossed so many things that has to do with those cats. From cute cute cats in the StarTwo to 36 adorable kittens on Tv.

Oh did I mention that my horoscope on Sunday said something about a cat having nine lives, but I only have one. SO advising me to take it slow and rest. Hmm..

And today Ms.H and her "meows" Say we got 5 more lives, one more paper. I beg to differ, I think I've lost a lot of lives lately.

WHy all the afinity with cats lately?

I have a theory.

Fishball ma. So Fish attracts cats. But then I started thinking again. Technically i would be dead since, the cat would want to eat me.


My theory again?? I'm just too nice. Its not my time to go yet. I'm still here! To brighten up your days!

I'm sure you all love me. :) I know that.

But i think I lost another life today. (Yes fish also got 9 lives k. Not the cats only.) Again. That's 7 down after 7 papers. How la??